Ever since I updated to iOS 10, I've noticed the screen dimming and then brightening on my iPad mini 4 in a weirdly regular pattern. Before, if I was doing a lot on my iPad and taxing it somehow, I'd often see the screen dim on its own a few notches (without me dimming it myself) but a few minutes later it would always come back. Now, ever since the update, if my screen is at full brightness I'll notice it dim a few notches, then about thirty seconds or so later, dim a few more notches, then thirty seconds or so after that, come back up a few notches, then about thirty seconds after that, finally come back to full brightness. This down-down-up-up pattern repeats constantly and happens when I'm plugged in and when I'm running on battery power. Also, the onscreen brightness adjuster that I get when adjusting brightness with my Apple bluetooth keyboard doesn't display, which I guess means my iPad doesn't somehow think it's being told to do this, but rather is dimming the display on its own. Other than that, my iPad has been working great since the update. If anyone has been seeing this too or has any ideas I'd love to know!