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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 21, 2011
I was using my iPad mini 4 today and I put it down on the kitchen table and when I went back to it the screen was off. Battery was over 50%, but I charged it again and tried several hard resets with home button and the on button for several seconds. Nothing.

Anybody know any other things to try. Im afraid its gone....

Update Edit: Contacted apple support. had me try plugging into iTunes and see if it was recognized then hold the buttons down for 20 seconds. No go on both. Genius Bar tomorrow afternoon. I am not paying $299 for a fix on this 2 year old iPad. Ill post the results.
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It went better then expected. The place was swamped and I thought It was going to be a long afternoon, considered turning around. Had a 2:20PM appointment time with the Genius Bar. Got there at 2:00 and was being diagnosed by 2:20PM. They could not get it to do anything with 3 different methods. So he turned it in for a swap and battery replacement $99.00. It had to be ordered but I walked out by 3:00 pm. I should get my iPad in by end of next week.

He really went the extra mile to get me the best deal he could. I had no battery issue prior to not working, but thats the story he wrote to get me the deal.

Genius Bar Report:
Issue: Battery life is poor, and now isn’t powering on properly.
Steps to Reproduce: Discussion with customer. Customer came in with battery life and no power issues. Mentioned poor performance prior to visit in store. Explained that the device spontaneously went dead while sitting idle, but did experience lackluster ability in the battery. Offering swap at battery cost.

Customer has noted having backup in iCloud. Both customer and myself were able to verify that the backup is done. Find My iDevice has been turned off.
Cosmetic Condition: Good condition, nothing critical I noticed.
Proposed Resolution: Swap, per part order (3-12 business days.), at battery cost.
I got the swap this last Thursday. It looks new, feels new. But per the serial number shows built in 8/2017 and the serial number starts with FF, means refurbished.

But I feel like I got great service and a $99 deal for my older iPad. I hope this one lasts more then 1.75 years.
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