I was using my iPad mini 4 today and I put it down on the kitchen table and when I went back to it the screen was off. Battery was over 50%, but I charged it again and tried several hard resets with home button and the on button for several seconds. Nothing.
Anybody know any other things to try. Im afraid its gone....
Update Edit: Contacted apple support. had me try plugging into iTunes and see if it was recognized then hold the buttons down for 20 seconds. No go on both. Genius Bar tomorrow afternoon. I am not paying $299 for a fix on this 2 year old iPad. Ill post the results.
Anybody know any other things to try. Im afraid its gone....
Update Edit: Contacted apple support. had me try plugging into iTunes and see if it was recognized then hold the buttons down for 20 seconds. No go on both. Genius Bar tomorrow afternoon. I am not paying $299 for a fix on this 2 year old iPad. Ill post the results.
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