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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 3, 2011
I am currently using 4 older Airport Express devices, the older ones shaped like a Chiclet, to stream music throughout my house from a PC using Airfoil. I stream music from Tidal, Amazon Music and music files on the computer and a NAS. I would like to replace using the PC/Airfoil and get a current model 9.7" iPad to use as a stand alone music streaming device. Can someone tell me if the current model iPad can stream to the older model AirPort express device using AirPlay 2. I have an older iPad, I thing a version 2, which will not support Tidal, Amazon Music or streaming to more than one Airport Express at a time.


Feb 17, 2012
Can someone tell me if the current model iPad can stream to the older model AirPort express device using AirPlay 2. I have an older iPad, I thing a version 2, which will not support Tidal, Amazon Music or streaming to more than one Airport Express at a time.

To answer your first question yes, the Current iPad will be able to play Via Airplay 1 & 2 depending on what your Airport Expresses is (I am assuming it supports Airplay 1) So yes you can play from your iPad. I do not think a version of Airplay has got any bearing on what Streaming Service are you playing, as long as you have a Airplay Streaming Device, and a Airplay enabled Speaker in your case Airport Express, this arrangement should work.


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2015
Lancs, UK
What firmware are your Airports running? They need to be on 7.8 to support AirPlay 2.

Your iOS device will need to be on iOS 11.4 to have AirPlay 2. Is your iPad on that version or later?

If ‘yes’ to both you should be good to go...
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