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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007
Just switched on the qualifying from Monaco and the BBC presenter is holding an iPad! Be very interesting to see how they're using that device but it makes a hell of a lot of sense as a way to deliver show notes etc. Plus of course there's the F1 live timing app which is probably very useful for the team when they're in Monaco as it's far harder to get around the paddock and other locations. Looks good too :D
yup just seen it too! Was about to post as well. Yes I wonder what he is using it for and what program.
One thing, pretty sure it ain't product placement as it's the BBC and such things are frowned upon...

Thinking about it a bit more I wonder if they've decided to use it just for Monaco purely because the presenting team are separated from the paddock for (I think) the only time on the calendar. There's the F1 app obviously but if they built a mini web site for it they could easily deliver all the info they wanted as show notes between live segments. They've also been using a blackberry in the after-show forum to take e-mails from viewers so it could replace that as well.

Bit surprising he's hanging on to it but then again they ARE on a boat where every flat surface seems to have been stolen by the camera crew. Would be a bit embarrassing to put it down and hear a forlorn *splash* a few seconds later...
They were much in evidence during BBC's recent election coverage. Used by presenters to show moving charts and other useless stats to the cameras.
Ahhh, they've kicked the cameraman out of the Jacuzzi and he's using the deck around that as a place to stash the iPad. Oh, and the BBC text feed says he's using it to replace his normal clipboard.
Sorry for the crap pic!

He had it last week too. Just a wifi model though! I think given the world wide coverage steve has had something to do with it.
He had it last week too. Just a wifi model though! I think given the world wide coverage steve has had something to do with it.

Again, bearing in mind the BBC policy which basically prevents any sponsorship or tie-in deals whatsoever, I REALLY doubt it's product placement from Apple.
Bleurgh, this isn't helping my pre-launch anxiety..

I really don't think it's product placement, though. In terms of notes or displaying statistics and what have you - things that the iPad is quite good at - I think it could simply be a case that he's using his own iPad for his own usage to assist him present the show.

Fair play I guess, it's an interesting public use of it anyway!
Again, bearing in mind the BBC policy which basically prevents any sponsorship or tie-in deals whatsoever, I REALLY doubt it's product placement from Apple.

given the amount of advertising in f1 I really don't think the BBC has the same blocks applied.
given the amount of advertising in f1 I really don't think the BBC has the same blocks applied.

No no, that's advertising for the sport that they're broadcasting in the same way that you get adverts at the side of a football pitch. The BBC cannot have product placement for anything that THEY produce, in this case the links in-between the racing. From their editorial policy:

We must never include a product or service in sound or vision in return for cash, services or any consideration in kind. This is product placement. It is illegal to make any such arrangements in the EU.

Same for Product Prominence

We need to be able to reflect the real world and this will involve referring to commercial products, organisations and services in our output.

We must avoid any undue prominence or giving the impression that we are promoting or endorsing products, organisations or services. To achieve this we must:

* ensure that references to trade names, brand names and slogans are clearly editorially justified.
* not linger on brand names or logos and use verbal references sparingly unless there are very strong journalistic reasons for repeated references to a brand.
* not accept free or reduced cost products or services in return for on air or online credits, hotlinks or off air marketing.
* take particular care to minimise product references in output designed to appeal to children.
* only use material from advertising campaigns or promotions when clearly editorially justified. Generally, it will only be acceptable to use a short extract. There may also be copyright considerations.
I would love if indycar had an app as good as the f1 live app (I played with it at the apple store's on a demo iPad.). Great program. The indycar app is terrible, and the real indycar web site uses flash......

As an auto racing fan, I would also like to see sports such as indycar, f1, and the Red Bull Air Race have a legal way to watch the race on an iPhone or iPad, either live or since i usually am at work during the races, at least soon after the race is run have the race available for download. I would easily pay $30 a year to watch races on the go.

Edit: I found this post about T.K. using an iPad during the Long Beach G.P. Now we need to get that app into the general public's hands!
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