And yet here I am. The mac evangelists coming to the iPad forum to troll with snarky comments like this crack me up.
File management is pretty easy. You can use iCloud, sure.That works solidly, it's easy enough, and it's stupid easy to access on an iPad or iPhone.
That being said, if you're like me and prefer local, physical storage. There are literally dozens of wifi hard drives out there that are iOS compatible. Store all you want on them (there are many multi-TB options), most have USB options for PC connections as well should you need it. There are also dual USB/lightning thumb drives, which I've made use of for transferring files to others on different platforms.
It's not as hard or complex as some make it out to be. Your approach to files on iOS just needs to change a little. It's not so much that it's really different, even.
So here I am typing on my 9.7 inch iPad Pro,
Let's take a real practical example.
Apple Music
I've got about a gig of High quality files on my mini server using a large external drive.
I have an ATV and a Sonos system that link to the mini for file access.
So on my iPad I could, just use Apple Music, or I could AirPlay to the airport base station linked to the sonos, so I have a streaming only service, my iPad only has 128gig.
If say I want to download files what workflow would I use?
If I buy a film on the iTunes Store how to I transfer that to the storage and enable access for the ATV.
I've got about 150 movies on my mini, and transfer a few to watch on the plane for holidays, how to I manage that?
These are all consuming usage which are really easy to achieve with a mac and iPad, but what is the workflow with just the iPad?
And it's not a troll question, it's how would I really do it?
My mini is getting older and slower, if it fails I'm not planning on paying though the nose for an outdated product or one that might not exist next year.