I just had this issue too. I chatted to online Apple support and they had me run diagnostics, advised that my battery was showing as fine, then told me to update from 11.3.1 to 11.4, then drain the battery completely, then recharge to 100%, drain completely again and recharge completely again. I’m still on the second drain after fully draining and recharging once and I can confirm that my iPad reached 100% and also didn’t drop the first ~10% of charge as quickly as it had for the past week either.
I just had this issue too. I chatted to online Apple support and they had me run diagnostics, advised that my battery was showing as fine, then told me to update from 11.3.1 to 11.4, then drain the battery completely, then recharge to 100%, drain completely again and recharge completely again. I’m still on the second drain after fully draining and recharging once and I can confirm that my iPad reached 100% and also didn’t drop the first ~10% of charge as quickly as it had for the past week either.
This is BS advice. I can’t believe Apple chat support still goes with this crap. They’re just wasting their and your time.
This helped me with my iPhone X. Fixed the issue.
I’m not sure how it is possible when by definition lithium batteries don’t operate with this crap “calibration” technology.
Batteries used to but not anymore. It's complete bunk.In reality they do.
In reality they do.
I believe what you are all saying regarding the batteries, but I really had no choice but to follow what Apple support were suggesting. It did get my iPad to charge to 100% now, while previously it was charging to 93 or 95%. So this leads me to believe that there is either a software issue and my iPad needed to drain and recharge to correct it or that Apple are hiding bad batteries with software adjustments after a full drain and recharge.
True. Is not that rare. Most people only talk theory. In reality calibration still works and is needed sometimes.
This. Rebooting and plugging it in again has always fixed these kinds of issues.Yeah just restarting the device is sufficient from my own experience. You don’t need to update/drain/recharge.
This. Rebooting and plugging it in again has always fixed these kinds of issues.
Unfortunately, it happens almost on a daily basis, my previous non “pro” iPads never had this problem.
That's definitely a hardware bug then. I would try setting up a Genius Appointment or equivalent to get it replaced.