For what it’s worth, I’m an annual updater of all my Apple products, but the 11 may be the first one I take back. Maybe it’s specific to my use, but I find the 11 slightly aggravates me in ways the 10.5 never did. I like the new pencil, but I had a magnetic sleeve for the 1st gen pencil, so I could always slap it in a bunch of different places on the 10.5. On the 11, it has to sit in one location, which works perfectly for landscape, but is inconvenient for portrait because it’s basically in your right hand. And although I can’t say the new keyboard cover is quantitatively a lot thicker or heavier than the old keyboard cover, it’s just bulky enough (possibly also due to the squared edges) that when I grab my iPad to go from office to office it now feels as though I’m grabbing a laptop, which is the whole thing my iPad is meant to avoid. I want it to be more like grabbing a legal pad, which is what the 10.5 has always felt like. And then folding back the new keyboard and holding the keys on the back is annoying, making me want to remove the case every time, when I never used to have to. So now I’m always looking for somewhere to put the separated case, when I always left the 10.5’s keyboard cover attached. In the end, the 11 feels like an attempt to make a laptop replacement, which may be good for some people, but I have a laptop and I don’t want to carry it from office to office. The 10.5 made a great legal pad/laptop-ish compilation that let me ditch heavier devices when I’m not at my desk. The 11 seems to detract from that.
And for what it’s worth, although I’ve often had the experience of looking at an older device after a newer one and finding the screen on the older device too pixelated or small, that doesn’t seem to be the case here. The screen quality is exactly the same, and my mind seems to have adjusted almost instantly to losing back those extra .5 inches.
And I guess while I’m at it, it’s a small point, but I’m not wild about USB-C. I have a briefcase with appropriate cables for the iPad and iPhone. There’s a benefit to them using the same standard. Needing USB-C to charge one of them multiplies the number of cables I need to carry.
Anyway, not trying to talk anyone out of it if these things wouldn’t matter to them. But they’ve outweighed the benefits for me.