I'm on a 9.7 Pro on iOS 9.3.4. I don't know if it's a problem, it isn't even really annoying but it is clearly there: I'll illustrate it with an example.
I am on the iPad main page of this forum. I enter a thread. After reading it, I swipe back - not click on the arrow, because by swiping back the animation is instant and if it doesn't do what I'm about to describe, it loads really fast - and sometimes, it freezes for a second and goes back to the top of the page regardless of where I was when I initially clicked on the thread. Sometimes, it stays where I was and loads immediately. It isn't incredibly annoying by any means but I certainly noticed it.
I don't know why this is present - certainly not a RAM issue, I have barely three tabs opened and it's my only app - but it is indeed there.