I know this has been addressed here many times but I wanted to share what happened to me. I was having the same disconnect, connect not authorized device problems others have mentioned here. I disconnected and reconnected my ASK, restarted iPad, cleaned contacts, sacrificed a small furry animal and nothing helped. Called Apple support and they set me up with local Apple store here in Chandler AZ. Very nice people there. They went through the usual question and answer scenario. I’m usually not very patient with that but remembered they don’t know anyone’s system knowledge so need to start with the basics. After about 10 minutes they brought out a new keyboard. Connected to my iPad and same issues. WTF!!! They connected the new keyboard to one of their iPads and it worked fine. They said maybe I had a corrupted file causing my issues. Fair enough. I had performed a factory reset the day before and restored from iCloud. There suggestion was to do another reset but set up as new iPad and rename device so old backup would not be used thus avoiding reinstalling possible bad files. Makes sense but I didn’t want to really do that. I have (had) a DBrand vinyl wrap on back cover installed and wondered if that was causing a ever so small gap between the iPad and ASK connectors and causing my connection issues. I bit the bullet and removed the wrap, reconnected the ASK and no issues. I’ll keep an eye on it of course to see if anymore issues come up. I honestly can’t say that was the issue but the connectors are very flush on each device and any gap could cause intermittent connection. I’ve typed this all with no issues. Well, one issue. My ASK doesn’t spell very well. I have to keep correcting.