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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 29, 2022
I updated my 2017 iPad Pro 10.5 due to the security issues that were flagged. It then turned itself off repeatedly. I took it to the genius bar. Analytics data section showed three kernel panics which indicated a hardware issue with the logic board which they cannot repair. I was advised to buy a new one!
Went to John Lewis but they said consumer law only guarantees products that were faulty at time of purchase. iPad is 4.5 years old. Update killed my iPad and no way to claim as out of warranty. Wondered if this was a common occurrence? Any advice please?


macrumors newbie
Jun 28, 2013
I would look into your rights. There was somethings in the Netherland around expected lifetime for a product. You could take legal action to get the products repaired. So in the case of an ipad, you need to know what the expected and reasonable lifetime is for it and what your rights are for this product.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2016
From Apple’s own website

Apple Products and Consumer Laws in the United Kingdom​

Under consumer laws in the UK, consumers are entitled to a free of charge repair and (depending on the circumstances) may be entitled to a replacement, discount or refund by the seller, of defective goods or goods which do not conform with the contract of sale. For goods purchased in England or Wales, these rights expire six years from delivery of the goods and for goods purchased in Scotland, these rights expire five years from delivery of the goods.

I don’t believe that IOS 15.6.1 broke your iPad so you will have to pursue this with JL who can be difficult. However I did manage to get a 2017 iPad 11.9 replaced twice because of screen defects and when it happened a third time we negotiated a 50% reduction on the latest model. My 2017 10.5 iPad has the same screen defect but is otherwise functioning well on the iPadOS betas.

If Apple tell you the logic board is faulty you have a strong case against JL.
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macrumors 65832
May 7, 2009
I'm pretty sure the update didn't kill your iPad. If the logic board is defective, and it happened at the same time of the update, it's probably just a coincidence. Not much you can do.
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