Yes? What is the use case for Vertical orientation with the Smart Keyboard? Given the location of the pins, and orientation of the keys, other options would fit your needs better I would think. Bluetooth keyboards could be used in any orientation.
Yea, it's definitely not a case for me that I keep on 100% of the time. I keep the case on my desk laying flat and just pop in my 10.5 when needed. Otherwise I go naked.
Is the ASK good for use on the lap? Like sitting on the sofa and typing up a document? I do a lot of typing in different places not just at home, for example when taking notes at a friends for podcasts.
I get your question. I was wondering too before I just purchased the 10.5 as my first iPad.
The ASK folds behind the iPad and locks itself into place via magnets with the keyboard facing in towards the back of the iPad. This soft side of the case faces out. (It's flat across the back, the keyboard faces in and the fold of the case creates a pan empty space where the keyboard doesn't cover.) It works fine.
The ASK does work on your lap. It's not ideal but can be done.
[doublepost=1500318552][/doublepost]*creates an open empty space