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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 10, 2019
So this my story and I hope I can get some help I bought the new iPad Pro gen 3 from Sams Club end of December, it was good then the screen started to freeze all the time but then it unfreezes works for a little bit then it freezes again, I can’t scroll or type or click anything so I return the iPad for a replacement, brought the new iPad home worked great for about a month, then guess what it started doing it again same issue chat with apple they told me to reset to factory and not to load my backup so that’s what I did and it works a little better but still does it, it’s really annoying I’m not using a screen protector screen is clean I’m using a urban armor gear case. I’m so frustrated I’m actually thinking about returning this iPad and buying a Microsoft Surface 6 pro

Hans Albers

macrumors newbie
Mar 10, 2019
Same with me. iPad Pro gen 3 12.9 replaced the second time by apple due to display freezing. Took 6 weaks to develop the same issue every time.


macrumors 6502
I have exactly the same problem. Last iOS 12.2 helped a little but now after a week is starting to suffer from the same symptoms, it's less times than with 12.1 but still annoying. I will wait a little more and if it continues like this I will exchanged it.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 5, 2019
hi. Me too, my new ipad pro 12.9 took about a month to start acting up. Intermittently not responding to touch. apple gave me a replacement. I hope this doesnt happen again. This seems like a prevalent issue
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