So I've tried a few note taking apps, but most of the ones I've tried focus on the notes pretty much being a stand alone document. They allow you to insert images, but not much else. But for my situation I'm often in meetings where a large meeting packet (70+ pages) is distributed about a week ahead of time as a PDF. Everyone reviews this before the meeting, and then we go page by page during the meeting and discuss it. I've been using the annotation features in iOS to mark up the PDF in one color before the meeting, then during the meeting I mark it up more using a different color. As you can imagine, things get pretty messy.
So what I'm looking for is an app that will allow me to mark up the PDF and take notes on the side of each page. Think of it almost like two side by side pages in a notebook, where one side is the page from the PDF, and the other side is space for additional notes. There's no real need to produce a new PDF at the end of the process, but it would be nice to have. Audio recording would be a nice to have as well. Does anyone have any suggestions for apps that would fit my needs?
Edit to add: I looked at note taking apps last summer and settled on Notes Plus, but that was for a different use case.
So what I'm looking for is an app that will allow me to mark up the PDF and take notes on the side of each page. Think of it almost like two side by side pages in a notebook, where one side is the page from the PDF, and the other side is space for additional notes. There's no real need to produce a new PDF at the end of the process, but it would be nice to have. Audio recording would be a nice to have as well. Does anyone have any suggestions for apps that would fit my needs?
Edit to add: I looked at note taking apps last summer and settled on Notes Plus, but that was for a different use case.
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