It's a bit of a loaded question, because I got to use both at work last year, and boy did I hate the HP Elite windows tablet that the school procured for us. Being so thin meant poor battery life, and bad thermals. The device constantly throttled, and excessive zooming resulted in numerous cases of screen burning out (because the processor was so close to the display) amongst my colleagues. Likewise, the form factor was pretty awkward. The detachable keyboard meant it was essentially a laptop with a broken hinge, making it awkward to carry around (I had to cradle it on my arm like a baby). The UI was generally quite unoptimised for touch and well, windows is still windows, with all its idiosyncrasies.I know they both have some different uses but overall which one do you like better ?
What advantages and disadvantages do you see of the one you pick or both of them.
Not all Windows tablets are equivalent to Surface Pros! Hence the OP's question about Surface Pros.boy did I hate the HP Elite windows tablet that the school procured for us. Being so thin meant poor battery life, and bad thermals.
Not all Windows tablets are equivalent to Surface Pros! Hence the OP's question about Surface Pros.
At the moment my main work computer is an ARM-powered Surface Pro X. I love the build quality, the screen, the multitasking ability, and I can do 100% of my workload on it (including researching for and writing academic papers and books, using full-fat MS Office). I plug in to external keyboard, mouse, monitor, but can then whisk it away to a library or cafe and it weighs nothing. I really did want to transition over to an M1 iPad Pro, but it would not let me do technical type writing in the gimped Word for iPadOS.
Yes, the Pro X is slow and weak. But it multitasks properly, and the battery life is great. Would I like an iPad to do all the things I do? Yes, absolutely. But iPadOS is a frustrating mess still in terms of multitasking and UI. I'm not buying an iPad until they sort it out. I'm sick of Apple's artificial limitations.
I personally voted for the iPad Pro only because I am going off the assumption of it being either a secondary device or not having the need for laptop/desktop. Like others have posted if you are going to need to constantly be within the file system and needing peripherals all of the time then I would lean more Surface Pro. If you need something more for emailing, browsing, occasional need to connect other devices and the ability (if able) to easily download shows/movies from Netflix and whatnot, this is a feature that I personally feel gets swept under the radar when it comes to these laptop vs tablet debates which if you are traveling being able to have some content available offline is great.
Yep, and also BBC shows on the iPlayer app if you're in the UK (or use a VPN)You can download Netflix & Amazon Prime videos on a Windows laptop using associated apps.
You are right! thank you for that reminder I completely forgot that you can get the app versions on WindowsYou can download Netflix & Amazon Prime videos on a Windows laptop using associated apps.