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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 25, 2006
United Kingdom
Just noticed today on my 3G ipad if I have it horizontal and shake it side to side I can hear something moving inside, sounds like a catch going back and forth or somthing. Is this normal?
Just noticed today on my 3G ipad if I have it horizontal and shake it side to side I can hear something moving inside, sounds like a catch going back and forth or somthing. Is this normal?

No idea, I've never had a compulsion to shake my iPad horizontally ;)
If u hear a rattle. Take it back to the apple store. And exchange it.
The thing is it's only very slight and doesn't sound like a loose bit of metal or anything it just sounds like a mechanical bit moving back and forth. My MacBook had the exact same noise and that was fine.

Someone tell me there's does it! I don't want the of getting a new one haha.
I have the same rattle on both my iPad and iPhone, I guess it's the SIM card that's slightly loose in its tray... I say "not to worry" :)
If you have any doubts, make an appointment and take it in to the genius bar at your local Apple store (if you have one). Make it rattle and ask them what they think of it. They may not actually replace it if the iPad is actually functioning normally, but if nothing else the visit will get logged into their computers so that if, say, a year from now it does stop working, you can remind them you reported a problem way back when it was still under warranty.
I had the same rattle, they replaced it but I did need to book a genius bar appointment first, not sure why. They will swap yours out for a brand new one in a flash.
Yea it's just the sim card shaking in the tray. No worries. Everybodys does it
Yea it's just the sim card shaking in the tray. No worries. Everybodys does it

I noticed this on my iPad this morning as well, and did a quick search and came across this thread. I have my SIM card and SIM tray removed from my iPad and can still hear the rattling noise :-\

I called Apple Support - since the nearest Apple Store is 150 miles from me... they very quickly agreed to replace the iPad - they're shipping my new one out today (32gb wifi+3g) on an advanced-replacement. Apparently if you have AppleCare protection for your iPad, they'll ship out your new one and then you send the old one back -- and the best part is they have a stockpile at their repair locations, so there's no waiting in the normal new-order queue for 7-10 days (my replacement brand-new ipad ships today!)

Anyway... definitely suspect the SIM card first, but if the problem still persists with the tray removed, don't hesitate to call Apple. They'll replace it.
It's probably the secret camera they are going to enable on all Ipads soon, has come loose inside.
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