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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 7, 2007
London, UK
Hi all,

in the UK with a 64GB 3G.

I cut down an o2 sim card, placed it in the iPad, all works fine. If one tries to ring the phone number associated with the sim card, it will ring once and then the call gets rejected.

Tried it with my contract Vodafone sim that I use with my
3GS, same thing happens again.

I knew the phone call wouldn't go though, I assumed it would just go to voicemail or something like that.

Anyway, just a warning for those of you who plan on swapping sims between your iPad and your iPhone, if someone calls you, you will not know as the call won't go to voicemail.
I can't wait for someone to release a cydia 3rd party app to enable phone calls via iPad 3G.

Since the spirit jb, the iPad has become such a great device, I can't stress how much better it makes the iPad now!

It was pretty dam good initially, but now with JB, the doors are wide open for even more sick apps/hacks!
I just used skype for calls and google voice for sms, iphone is on craigslist
I can't wait for someone to release a cydia 3rd party app to enable phone calls via iPad 3G...

Try the Line2 app. This gives you a honkin big phone on your screen (if you go to 2x). It works just like iPhone but with new number. I assume you could do call forward on your other number. Hmm.
I'm pretty sure the OP is talking about the fact that it does ring at least once before hitting voicemail.
Normal procedure is to go straight to voicemail if the phone isn't available like if you're on a call or you have your phone turned off.

Maybe it's because the iPad thinks it could be data coming in so it rings but then is able to tell that it is a voice call once the call data has come through and thus rejects it.

+1 to jailbreaking bringing some kind of phone app though, I'm sure someone will modify the default iPhone phone application to run on the iPad at some point. Its inevitable.
Are you calling the phone number from your iPhone that the sim came from? Just curious because that number is different from the number for your iPad. The phone number follows the sim card. Maybe I misread your post and you explained it.. If so.. Sorry..
The OP is in the UK, using a cut iPhone SIM card, which is why he is trying to call his iPhone's number. He is not using the ATT MicroSIM with a separate data plan.

the op is stating and warning that if you plan on using your current phone sim card in the iPad once you've cut it down, that you can use the regular 3G services, but if someone calls you whilst your sim is in the iPad they WON'T get through to your voicemail.
they'll simply have the call rejected.

quite useful to know.

Gots my iphone 16g
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