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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 27, 2012
Does my one know what the release timeline is likely to be for the new iPad?

I know for the iPhone they announce Tuesday/Wednesday, pre order Friday and release following Friday, but do they follow the same release timescale for the iPad based on previous releases?

There have been many threads already made on this topic. Please use the search or scroll function to look for them. Nothing is certain yet regarding release.
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Strange, I did do a search and couldn’t see anything.

I didn’t ask what was gonna happen, I asked what was likely based on previous releases
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Based on previous releases, they will make the announcement. Within a few days they will begin accepting pre-orders. Then as units are manufactured, they will ship.
It's hasn't been quite as consistent with iPads as it has been with iPhones. I'd say possibly announcement on Oct. 30th, pre-order on Nov. 2nd and delivery/general availability on Nov. 9th, but it could be faster than that (the 2018 iPad was available to order the same day it was announced and was available in store 3 days later).
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I’m going to go out on a limb based on very little data and say preorder after show on 30th and delivery on the 2nd.

As I said based on little to no data, just a gut feeling.
I would say availability is going to be very soon after, especially this close to Christmas. Fingers crossed!
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Only thing is I’m working until about noon local. Show starts at 9 here. In the past have they started slipping the delivery date soon after available like phones or is the supply vs demand better.
Only thing is I’m working until about noon local. Show starts at 9 here. In the past have they started slipping the delivery date soon after available like phones or is the supply vs demand better.

That seems really hard to call on this one. Likely a massive update and there is some pent up demand but it will also likely be a bit more expensive and iPad sales have been down for a while. Too many people are satisfied with what they have and iOS 12 prob only increases that number.

I’m going to err on the side of ordering early but I definitely fall into the pent-up upgraders category. Ios12 has helped but I’ve been putting off an upgrade for a long while.
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That seems really hard to call on this one. Likely a massive update and there is some pent up demand but it will also likely be a bit more expensive and iPad sales have been down for a while. Too many people are satisfied with what they have and iOS 12 prob only increases that number.

I’m going to err on the side of ordering early but I definitely fall into the pent-up upgraders category. Ios12 has helped but I’ve been putting off an upgrade for a long while.

Thanks. Any guesses as to what time they will actually be available to order ?
Thanks. Any guesses as to what time they will actually be available to order ?
I think the day of or that Friday. I may be blinded by wishful thinking though ...

EDIT: I don’t think we’ll see a long delay on this one like the XR simply because everything rumored is new tech for the iPad but already done elsewhere so I’m guessing there aren’t the same engineering challenges as the XR, HomePod, or AirPower. The rumored iPads are innovative in the possibilities they open up, but they are still largely iterative designs.
I think the day of or that Friday. I may be blinded by wishful thinking though ...

EDIT: I don’t think we’ll see a long delay on this one like the XR simply because everything rumored is new tech for the iPad but already done elsewhere so I’m guessing there aren’t the same engineering challenges as the XR, HomePod, or AirPower. The rumored iPads are innovative in the possibilities they open up, but they are still largely iterative designs.

So the day of assuming after the show, what time of day are we expecting.
It's hasn't been quite as consistent with iPads as it has been with iPhones. I'd say possibly announcement on Oct. 30th, pre-order on Nov. 2nd and delivery/general availability on Nov. 9th, but it could be faster than that (the 2018 iPad was available to order the same day it was announced and was available in store 3 days later).

My biggest concern with buying one on launch day is case and glass screen protector availability. I've never touched a new device I own without glass on it right out of the box. If there isn't something day one, which I doubt there will be, I may wait a few weeks to buy a new iPad.
I am going with soon. Today an ad came out for the PX (Military Exchange). So I thought I would check on the mac’s on sale. There is NOTHING. I mean - no macbook Pro (2018), 1-2 macbook and Airs, a few 10.5” ipads, no Apple TV, no iMacs. They cleaned out their whole stock. On the front page is a slider - it says “Check with us soon for the latest Apple products”....
I am going with soon. Today an ad came out for the PX (Military Exchange). So I thought I would check on the mac’s on sale. There is NOTHING. I mean - no macbook Pro (2018), 1-2 macbook and Airs, a few 10.5” ipads, no Apple TV, no iMacs. They cleaned out their whole stock. On the front page is a slider - it says “Check with us soon for the latest Apple products”....

I saw that, I noticed the ‘check with us soon for the latest Apple products’ ad on the website and that they only have a couple of MacBooks and MacBook Airs in stock and all iPads are OOS, they’ve even taken down the product page for homepods completely. I hope that means the exchange will have the new Ipad Pros early (normally it takes awhile for the new products to hit the exchange website and stores) since they are a great place to purchase from if I don’t buy it direct from Apple.
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