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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 13, 2007
I walked into my local Apple store on friday (7/9) and reserved an iPad. This morning I got an email from Apple saying they were moving me up on the waiting list.

How long have you guys had to wait for yours? What does the "moving up" email even mean? Is it just Apple letting me know I haven't been forgotten about?
I did pretty much the exact same thing - ordered from an Apple Store on 7/10, and yesterday got that "Moving up the priority list" email. I was wondering what the heck that meant too.

I ordered a 16gb Wifi for work and am hoping it'll be in this week. Anybody else know?
I too was put on the priority wait list on 7/11 and was told "less than a week" is typical. Being ever impatient I called on Tuesday (which is techincally less than a week:D) to check on status.

I was told that they do not give "status updates" but the WiFi models are typically fulfilled in a "few days" and the 3g orders "might take up to a week". However, I do think that these time frames are store dependant.

Looks like we are just going to have to wait.

FYI: I called my apple store today and they said they got "stuff" in today but have not yet gone through it. Fingers crossed that my iPad is there!!
I got on the priority list for a 16-gig wifi on June 29th. Yesterday, I received the same moving-up-the-list letter. I was going to purchase from Best Buy, but not a single store in my area has one.
Well it looks like everyone in this thread ordered the wifi 16gb.

I'll update this thread once I hear when it arrives to let you guys know.
buy an ipad 64gb wifi+3g at new york what best choice?

Hello guys, im pt and im traveling to new york US next week on an business tryp, any advise to buy? pick n pay ? i just have a few hours in ny.

Cheers *

I don't know about NY, but here in Arizona, they have plenty of the 64gb wifi + 3G at the Apple stores (we have 5 Apple stores in the Phoenix area).

What they're unable to keep in stock at both Best Buy and Apple stores seems to be the 16gb and 32gb WiFi only units.

Good luck on your trip and hope you get one! :)
I have been on the waiting list at 2 stores for a week each now. 16GB wi-fi. I have not even received an email saying im moving up in the list.
I gave up on waiting. I called best buy from work and they had the 64gb in stock, which was what I pre-ordered. They don't hold them so I bought it over the phone. I will be picking it up in 3 hours!!! Super psyched!!
Too funny - I just read your post and checked my Best Buy locally and they *just* got new stock in today so I went down the street and picked one up. Guess I'll be cancelling my Apple reservation. :)

Last weekend, aside from a Best Buy several hundred miles away, there were none to be found.
Sounds like I'm an exception here. Saturday July 3 I reserved my iPad at my Apple Store and called around at Best Buys in the mean time; they only had 64 GB 3Gs, same story everywhere it seems. I was told seven days when I reserved. Sunday morning (the next day) I got an email that my iPad was in, picked it up later that day. I was as surprised as the Apple Store employee who sold it to me that it took only one day. Got a 32 GB Wi-Fi, not sure if that made a difference.
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