received my ipad 3g two days back . jailbroke it.
After installing some apps from cydia noted that screen alignment has gone wrong. i had to press below a button to get it activated. found a thread at this sites iphone forum telling a firmware restore solves the problem. restored firmware and the alignment problem was solved.
but jailbroke it again. and on installing fullforce which also installed mobilesubstrate, applist, preferenceloader as dependencies the alignment problem is back. i am sure the culprit is not fullforce as i hadnt used it previously. so its one of the other three or a script. (sorry theres another thread on this forum on this) go here for that thread. so lets just focus on screen response here.
even before jailbreaking found the screen response to be poor comparing to my iphone 2g. by poor i mean touching links in safari often goes wrong, it was magical on iphone. also drawing in an app like glow draw you dont get perfect lines following your finger movement.
anybody else had these problems?
After installing some apps from cydia noted that screen alignment has gone wrong. i had to press below a button to get it activated. found a thread at this sites iphone forum telling a firmware restore solves the problem. restored firmware and the alignment problem was solved.
but jailbroke it again. and on installing fullforce which also installed mobilesubstrate, applist, preferenceloader as dependencies the alignment problem is back. i am sure the culprit is not fullforce as i hadnt used it previously. so its one of the other three or a script. (sorry theres another thread on this forum on this) go here for that thread. so lets just focus on screen response here.
even before jailbreaking found the screen response to be poor comparing to my iphone 2g. by poor i mean touching links in safari often goes wrong, it was magical on iphone. also drawing in an app like glow draw you dont get perfect lines following your finger movement.
anybody else had these problems?