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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 28, 2010
hi, i'm thinking of investing in an iPad and i'm not sure if i should bother buying it when a new one is probably right around the corner. it isn't urgent that i buy one just yet but i want one in the near future. i'm also going on a trip to the states in feb and i was wondering if i should wait until then to get it? or is that just before a possible new one comes out in April?

- oh and also is the 3G really worth it?

thanks in advance! :)

Define what you think "probably right around the corner" means. The next iPad most likely won't be out until next spring... still a LONG ways to go. Personally, I'm glad I didn't wait. My iPad does everything I want it to, but in the end, it's all up to you whether or not you spend your money.

As for 3G, I would rather not deal with AT&T... I stuck with WiFi.
what i meant by a new one being around the corner was if i was to buy it in february when im in america.

and for the 3G there is a price plan in the UK that is "10GB - £15/month"

and to the first responder, that post was written in May. we are now in July and that much further on. there may even be a specs update in september
There won't be any spec update in September. That's not happening. Those who keep saying that are wishful thinkers who just want the latest and greatest.
hi, i'm thinking of investing in an iPad and i'm not sure if i should bother buying it when a new one is probably right around the corner. it isn't urgent that i buy one just yet but i want one in the near future. i'm also going on a trip to the states in feb and i was wondering if i should wait until then to get it? or is that just before a possible new one comes out in April?

- oh and also is the 3G really worth it?

thanks in advance! :)


Congrats. You are the winner of the: "1 blazillionth: Should I get an iPad" Thread.

What do you win? Nothing. Just knowing that you are creating the same type thread over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over should be enough.
cheers, i feel very honoured! if only i could have won an iPad ;)
.. i'll have you know my sister won a free 16GB wifi iPad
i'd still like to know about whether i should wait until i'm in the US...
anyone have an idea?
i'd still like to know about whether i should wait until i'm in the US...
anyone have an idea?

Personally I wouldn't bother waiting if you want one . I have no inside knowledge, but I can't see Apple doing a hardware update anytime soon. They are still releasing them worldwide and can't keep up with demand, so why would they change the spec until the initial flush of sales starts to slow. I have some friends who just returned from the states last week where they bought an iPad. They say they were lucky to get one as they were in short supply everywhere.

I have one, I'd like it to have a front facing camera for for skyping and 128GB of storage for my photos when I go traveling, but I think those specs are a couple of years away. They might come sooner if some serious tablet opposition hits the market.

This thread is just another troll. It's ur money. Do what u want. I am going to enjoy my ipad. Why don't u buy it on 2089?
ok thanks you guys :) and sorry for being annoying by repeating a question.

:apple: iPhone 3GS 32GB :apple: Macbook Pro 13" :apple:
I'd argue to buy 1 (or more) now, as Apple's likely to increase the price. Something they like to do after a huge hit for a new product.
To the OP:

I could find so many things that I don't like about the iPad. But if you want one and you are happy with the specs, you should get one and enjoy it. The new one might be cheaper and it will certainly will be better. But the iPad is such a unique product that you might be happy with it despite everything against it. Most importantly, you don't have to follow the rumours and speculations - you live it today.

Buy it, enjoy it and you can say it years later... "I was there... I've had one"

wait. It'll be updated by the end of the year, next Jan-Feb at the latest. Webcam, more RAM, and a gyro. Plus the new OS.

It's great now, but the new OS will make it greater. If anything, wait for the new OS release.
should you wait? that's up to you. do you have the extra cash and want it? then buy it. if you're waiting for the "next version" then you'll be waiting for a while. And even if they do come out with one next April, it's not going to be too much fancier (maybe, MAYBE a front facing camera).

3G is worth it. i have 3g, wife has wifi, she is always trying to use mine.
waiting to buy an apple product makes no sense to me. The items keep their resale value so well, that you can buy one use it and sell it for 80% of what you paid and buy the next version. Look at it as a usage tax. or a lease fee.
I'd wait. Possibility of a camera on the next model, if that matters to you. Only get 3G if you're constantly going to use it on the go, away from home and away from a wireless router.
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