In my possession I have a 3G iPad. Purchased by myself on launch day in Canada. I've noticed definite increases/decreases in browsing speed, while browsing in landscape mode, depending on where my hand is placed in proximity to the 3G antenna strip.
In my house, i get 4-5 bars, with the iPad sitting on the table or my lap. When I hold the ipad in landscape, I rotate it to the right (so the top is in my right hand, the bottom with the home button is in my left hand). I'm holding it in my hands, on my lap, at about a 45 degree angle, so it's angled at my face (of course, ha).
Just now I demonstrated multiples times (although very unscientifically I'm sure) that when my right hand is NOT covering the 3G antenna, I get 4-5 bars. When I grasp the right side of the iPad, after about 5 seconds the bars steadily start to drop to 1 or 2 bars. Letting go, after 5 to 10 seconds, the bars steadily rise back to 5 bars.
With the app, I conducted a few tests.
No hand covering the antenna, 5 bars: DL @ 870 Kbps, UL @ 137 Kbps
With hand covering antenna, 1-2 bars: DL @ 287 Kbps, UL @ 13 Kbps
Multiple tests yield similar results.
I'm too lazy/tired to make a video or post pictures right now, but I'd gladly reconduct tests to prove these findings.
So... Does the iPad have a signal issue as well? Or is the iPhone 4 issue just a little blown out of proportion? Or something else?
In my house, i get 4-5 bars, with the iPad sitting on the table or my lap. When I hold the ipad in landscape, I rotate it to the right (so the top is in my right hand, the bottom with the home button is in my left hand). I'm holding it in my hands, on my lap, at about a 45 degree angle, so it's angled at my face (of course, ha).
Just now I demonstrated multiples times (although very unscientifically I'm sure) that when my right hand is NOT covering the 3G antenna, I get 4-5 bars. When I grasp the right side of the iPad, after about 5 seconds the bars steadily start to drop to 1 or 2 bars. Letting go, after 5 to 10 seconds, the bars steadily rise back to 5 bars.
With the app, I conducted a few tests.
No hand covering the antenna, 5 bars: DL @ 870 Kbps, UL @ 137 Kbps
With hand covering antenna, 1-2 bars: DL @ 287 Kbps, UL @ 13 Kbps
Multiple tests yield similar results.
I'm too lazy/tired to make a video or post pictures right now, but I'd gladly reconduct tests to prove these findings.
So... Does the iPad have a signal issue as well? Or is the iPhone 4 issue just a little blown out of proportion? Or something else?