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Original poster
Nov 8, 2007
Perhaps it's because my iPhone is jailbroken, but I find myself rebooting every couple of weeks. My iPad on the other hand seems rock solid. I think I've rebooted once since buying it on launch day. I ran the iInfo app today and saw 38 days uptime. Pretty stable if you ask me - 38 days in and no performance flakiness whatsoever.

Nice. :D


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Funny, I haven't even thought of that. The iPad for me has been rock solid.

I had some apps quitting, and I felt the need for a reboot once, but other than that my ipad has been performing quite nice.
It's my iphone (and my wifes) that has been really rocksollid. often well over a month of going without a boot.
Had mine since Thursday, rebooted a few times after installing new apps. Probably isn't needed but hey...
I had some apps quitting, and I felt the need for a reboot once, but other than that my ipad has been performing quite nice.
It's my iphone (and my wifes) that has been really rocksollid. often well over a month of going without a boot.

Sorry, I was referring to my iPad. I also had an app quit on me now and then, mostly Zinio, from what I recall.
If you don't jailbreak it you shouldn't have any problems with stability.

I haven't anything jailbroken and never had, so that can't be it. My iPad isn't extremely stable. It's not that it's unstable, far from that, but it's more that some apps just quit. Safari has done it several times, but also red alert and some other apps. I'm really waiting for OS4.
I moth need to restart, I know it won't hurt. Sometimes I'll notice slight lag or glitch on my iPad. My iPhone on the other hand, I restored I was sick of being jailbreak'd and not having such a stock smooth device
I received iPad on Thursday. It worked fine until yesterday (Saturday). Since then I have had to reboot it four times due to the screen zooming all over the place and the screen becomes un-responsive to touch.

Anyone else had this problem?

I have posted a video on Youtube.


I have had half of that problem. Bought mine in the apple store on Thursday (walked in w/o intent to buy but they happen to have a few so I had to pick one up). My screen becomes un-response to touch at least a couple of times per day. I can use the home button to get back to the home screen or power button to power off, but the touch screen does nothing. It seems to mostly occur when using safari. Also safari crashes a lot whenever i try to view a PDF. I have also had similar problems with the app, but not as frequently. so I am not sure if the problems are app specific or hardware specific.

. . . oh yeah, I have also had the wi-fi problems on public routers (starbucks, and two different airports)
My iPhone's stability definitely, definitely took a big dive when I jailbroke. I put up with it because I occasionally need (not want, but urgently need) MyWi now and then. I'll pay for tethering when it's available but meanwhile MyWi is a gotta-have for me. But the price I pay right now is a reboot every few days. The first symptom is a bit of lagginess which increases with usage. Eventually it becomes rather annoyingly unresponsive. A reboot--either the two-button trick or using the "reboot" gizmo that I installed after jailbreaking--cures the problem.
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