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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 11, 2008
Under a Rug
my work email is IMAP but for some reason if my iPad gets an email before my Macbook does (using Mail) i never get the email n my Macbook? Its like is running POP and pulls from server but its not.

any ideas?

also i noticed that all the emails i read on my macbook showed as unread on my iPad?

very strange for IMAP to do this kind of thing.

Sounds like the initial download deletes off the server.

yeah but there is no setting for that and IMAP is not supposed to behave that way as far as i know. that is something that POP would do.

i need this fixed badly so i dont miss or forget work stuff.

thanks for any suggestions.
Did you check the Mail settings on the iPad? I seem to remember there is something about deleting from the server (though this may have no effect at all on IMAP, I'm no expert here).
Settings -> Account -> Advanced -> Look under "Incoming Settings" Delete from Server -> Never

i do not have that option since this is an IMAP account. under "Incoming" i have Use SSL, Authentication, IMAP Path Prefix, and Server Port
I'm guessing this is basically a "Where is the e-mail stored" question.

I believe there is a setting that indicates if the e-mail is stored on the iPad or on the server.

There could also be a folder mapping setting. You map the Inbox, Sent, etc, to the folders on the server. If they aren't mapped then the e-mails get stored on the iPad. This would cause the e-mails to only exist on the iPad.

I'm going off of my iPhone IMAP experience. Poke around in the settings and see if you find something like what I described. Good luck!
It sounds like this is set up as a POP3 account instead of an IMAP account. I would try deleting and then reinstating it to make sure. Check the IMAP server address as well against machines that are working properly.

Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calenders -> <youremailaddraccnt> -> Advanced -> Remove -> Never

Unless your iPad's IMAP software is different than my IMAP's software, it's there. Just because it's IMAP doesn't mean it doesn't have options for deleting from the server.
Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calenders -> <youremailaddraccnt> -> Advanced -> Remove -> Never

Unless your iPad's IMAP software is different than my IMAP's software, it's there. Just because it's IMAP doesn't mean it doesn't have options for deleting from the server.

The only option for "remove -> never" on my IMAP (mobile me) account is for the deleted messages folder. That is set to 30 days.

I am not sure how an immediate delete would work on an IMAP client. If you deleted the mail from the server upon download... it would then immediately delete the mail from your client since since it syncs to the server. Plus... it would delete the mail from every other IMAP client as well.

I am still speculating that the OP has his email program set up as a POP3 client. The behavior described matches that of POP3, not IMAP.

here are the options i have and i see no way to fix it. any help would be appreciated. we recently moved our work to IMAP and it was a blessing from POP but this is causing me problems. i am pretty sure it is an iPad problem but if it something on the server side i have the ability to have anything fixed or changed.

thanks for any help


How about start with this notion: "Jail Break and throw all assumptions out the window".

I never seem to have these sorts of troubles.
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