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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 14, 2010
Washington State
Ok, I have an ipad my mom gave me, sorry, don't know what gen (I think it may be the first ipad air, or maybe 2nd. Model: MF018LL/A). It was a hand me down (She had it lieng around and I had a use for it). It's running ios version 12.1.4.

It was doing fine yesterday and then this morning it would not connect to wi-fi (I haven't done anything to it except play Netflix on it, it's pretty much my netflix machine while I do cook and clean). Not my wi-fi as my other devices are fine (I used my ipad mini for netflix this morning and I'm typing/posting this on my mac and they are both on the wifi router I'm trying to connect to). It keeps saying password is incorrect. Not only do I absolutely know I am putting the right password in, even when the ipad mini shares the password with it it still refuses to connect.

I looked up the problem and I have tried everything I have seen suggested (reset ipad, forget network, reset network, manually enter in network) other than resetting the router (mainly cause i don't know where the router is in my house). Is there any other suggestions on what to do to fix it? Or am I looking at a possibility that the hardware randomly broke on me?
Sounds like you've tried a lot of the usual suggestions, all right. I'd definitely invest a little time tracking down your router and trying a power cycle there; if your internet is bundled with your cable TV look around your TV, and if it iis billed through your phone provider (DSL) look for it where the phone line enters the house. Another thing to try perhaps is to see if it will connect to any other wifi access point: coffee shop, your mom's house, etc. The other thing that I'd look into is whether the iPad ever had remote management in use (example: or has any profiles in play under Settings > General. If all of those avenues come up empty then you'll have to take it to an Apple store for diagnosis.
Lots of devices on the WiFi? Many home routers get a bit dodgy if you go above 16, try a cycle of the router is definitely the next thing to do...
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