Going on a holiday with my wife and kids soon for 10 days and planning to take my iPad (WiFi 32GB model). Normally I take my Laptop (iBook or Powerbook) but this time it's the iPad and of course my trusty iPhone 3G which will keep me & mine amused I hope.
What I'm looking for are any tips about Apps which might be useful or practical issues which any of you have come across which might have been solved by taking along, say, an additional power adapter or car iPad charger or something like that.
We'll be travelling in the car for 5 hours in the UK then a 13 hour overnight ferry crossing and then a further 8 hours in the car through France to our campsite (challet not tent...). I have an iPhone charger in the car but it already struggles to charge the iPhone when in use so won't be up to the iPad I suspect. With a bit of luck I can charge it on the ferry though.
I've bought CoPilot Live Europe for my iPhone and it seems good - will be using this to navigate to avoid (hopefully) falling out with my wife who usually navigates badly!
I've just got a new camera so I'll try to get a camera connection kit if possible to allow me to load pics onto iPad but I'm not sure if my local store will have any stock... :-(
Any tips and advice would be most welcome!
Going on a holiday with my wife and kids soon for 10 days and planning to take my iPad (WiFi 32GB model). Normally I take my Laptop (iBook or Powerbook) but this time it's the iPad and of course my trusty iPhone 3G which will keep me & mine amused I hope.
What I'm looking for are any tips about Apps which might be useful or practical issues which any of you have come across which might have been solved by taking along, say, an additional power adapter or car iPad charger or something like that.
We'll be travelling in the car for 5 hours in the UK then a 13 hour overnight ferry crossing and then a further 8 hours in the car through France to our campsite (challet not tent...). I have an iPhone charger in the car but it already struggles to charge the iPhone when in use so won't be up to the iPad I suspect. With a bit of luck I can charge it on the ferry though.
I've bought CoPilot Live Europe for my iPhone and it seems good - will be using this to navigate to avoid (hopefully) falling out with my wife who usually navigates badly!
I've just got a new camera so I'll try to get a camera connection kit if possible to allow me to load pics onto iPad but I'm not sure if my local store will have any stock... :-(
Any tips and advice would be most welcome!