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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 20, 2010
I got my New iPad yesterday and jailbroke it and everything was great.

The I updated this morning to 3.2.2 and all the jailbroken stuff is gone!

Mainly I want to watch vids from this site:

and imobilecinema was doing that perfectly until I updated to 3.2.2!

I'm new to this so I didn't save an SHSH files nor do I really know what they are but I know that they might be required for restoring my iPad.

Is there anway to downgrade to 3.2.1 ???? or any apps that will play vids from ????

I'm in the UK so Cloud Browse won't work!


Will there be a jailbreak for 3.2.2, if so how long will we have to wait?
and what do you mean by "signing" ?????

and are there any apps I could use for ?

Is there any way to restore it back to 3.2.1 without the SHSH files?

or are there any SHSH files I could use?

and are there any apps that will let me watch vids from sites like ?
No. As explained before.
No. SHSH blobs are unique to your device.
I have no idea.
iPAD - 3.2.2 downgrade to 3.2.1 !

I've tried the step detailed here:

To try and restore my iPad from 3.2.2 back to 3.2.1 and everything works fine except when it goes to apple to verify, is there any way in to tricking it into thinking apple has verified it to downgrade?

Any way of doing this through Terminal on a Mac?

I'd really appreciate some help on this since I only just got my iPad yesterday and accidentally updated to 3.2.2 this morning.

OK. I see I've wasted my time answering your other thread as you don't seem to believe a word I said.
Give it up. You can't downgrade it no matter how many threads you start asking the same thing.

This is a completely different way, if itunes can be tricked into thinking Apple has verified it then it would work!

I'm not an expert with codes so if someone has a code or can come up with a code then problem solved!
Lesson 1 - don't say that an issue is urgent if it involves being able to watch cartoons

Lesson 2 - don't jailbreak your device and expect others to feel sorry for you. You made your bed, now lie in it.
Saving one's SHSH blob for one's device and bypassing Apple's signature server IS the code needed to trick iTunes into thinking Apple has verified the firmware.

Keep dreaming if you think someone else is going to come up with a magic code for you!

Over and out.
I think most people have a general understanding that each Apple update will attempt to stop any current jailbreak methods. This should have been expected. I have an old 3G that hasn't been updated because perhaps someday I might want to sell it and the new owner may wish to have the freedom to update the device with non-Apple software.

Saving one's SHSH blob for one's device and bypassing Apple's signature server IS the code needed to trick iTunes into thinking Apple has verified the firmware.

If you didn't save you blobs, then you are SOL until another JB comes out. I wouldn't hold your breath for one anytime soon as it could take days or months before we see another. It sucks, but that's just the way it is.

Why not use 3.2.2? It has a very important security fix in it.
Cause you can't JB it.

Don't go watching movies online, it's just pure illegal.

Secondly, 3.2.2 fixed the jailbreak, the only way you could downgrade is if you found the IPSW file somewhere and restored by putting your iPad in DFU mode.
Go back to the store. Say it's doing weird stuff and ask for an exchange.

Then make sure you don't upgrade to the new firmware!

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