Just out of interest.. What writing apps did you buy? I'm interested in these kind of apps myself.
I use these regularly:
Pages for "serious" work, longer texts, and where formatting is important.
myTexts for cranking out pure text with a clean a professional-looking interface.
MaxJournal for basic note-taking, journal-keeping, etc.
The options are limited right now because, as the MaxJournal developer explained to me, iOS does not currently allow applications to create or save documents in RTF format. All those note-taking apps that allow you to choose custom fonts, etc, are simply providing some cosmetic options because the final product will be a plain text file.
Even Pages is very limited in its output options: DOC, PDF, or the native .pages format which seems to interact weirdly with Pages on the desktop (which I don't use much anyway).
This kind of thing, along with the lack of printing support, convey the impression that everyone at Apple has moved on beyond the Age of Print, unfortunately stranding those of us who do this kind of thing for a living.
I still like and use the iPad as a writing tool, but it's not as good as it can be, and someday, I hope, will be.