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macrumors G4
Original poster
Jun 30, 2007
I have an elderly friend that he and his wife have 3G iPads. They both got the 250MB plan since they only need email and a few web site visits. For some reason after activation his used all 250MB's in 5 days. He only checked his email once in that time. I spent over and hour with AT&T explaining that it could not have possibly used that much data. They finally gave him a credit and now just 3 days later he's at 50MB and only checked his email 2 times. His wife who uses hers much, much more has only used about 60MB in almost a month. AT&T says the iPad may be defective since the data WAS used. Is this possible that the iPad can randomly use large amounts of 3G data even when asleep?
Is the e-mail set to push/fetch? Then the iPad would be trying to fetch it all night.

For now, they can turn off the antenna when not using internet to ensure no data is flowing through.
Just checking for emails can't possibly use 250MB's of data in 4 days. That is a huge amount of data for just checking. It can't possibly take several MB of data just to check for a few KB of messages.
These cases are the reason why consumption based internet is bad. We dont' even control how much data is crossing the wire. Stuffs going on in the background all the time thats never really explained.
These cases are the reason why consumption based internet is bad. We dont' even control how much data is crossing the wire. Stuffs going on in the background all the time thats never really explained.

Add to this the 'meters' on the devices are often incorrect, and actually underestimate the data used. Not only do you have to worry about a limit, you have to worry about the real amount is not over what is shown on your display. I remember an instance from MacBreak Weekly, where they when to China and used all their 200 MB of the international data plan, and a few weeks later got a bill for hundreds (or thousands?) of dollars because the meter on the Iphone was not correct by a factor of 3.
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