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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 3, 2010
Hi i thought i'd ask this question as i'm struggling to get this to work. I've managed to sync via bluetooth my imacs bluetooth keyboard with my ipad but it doesn't seem to want to find the mouse. I had hoped to use the mouse as the cursor whilst using the letmein app to remote control my imac. Can it work or is it only the keyboard that is useable. Letmein is get but using you finger for the mouse is slow and awkward
Hi i thought i'd ask this question as i'm struggling to get this to work. I've managed to sync via bluetooth my imacs bluetooth keyboard with my ipad but it doesn't seem to want to find the mouse. I had hoped to use the mouse as the cursor whilst using the letmein app to remote control my imac. Can it work or is it only the keyboard that is useable. Letmein is get but using you finger for the mouse is slow and awkward

No curser on the iPad, I don't think that Apple would approve an app that did.
Hi i thought i'd ask this question as i'm struggling to get this to work. I've managed to sync via bluetooth my imacs bluetooth keyboard with my ipad but it doesn't seem to want to find the mouse. I had hoped to use the mouse as the cursor whilst using the letmein app to remote control my imac. Can it work or is it only the keyboard that is useable. Letmein is get but using you finger for the mouse is slow and awkward

While the iPad has BT, it does not support the HID for mouse. Keyboards are another thing. I have one paired with a BT keyboard.
Cheers seems i can use it as a mouse but not a mouse with it. Who knows some clever person out there might beable to make such a app in the future
if you jailbreak you can get an app that allows you to control the ipad with a bluetooth mouth. don't recall the app though
thanks but i don't really want to jail break whilst still under warrenty just in case a just in case situation occurs/
i understand i dont jailbreak either my friend does though thats how i found out
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