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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 18, 2010
Derry, Northern Ireland, UK
Hi Guys/Gals,

Sorry if this has been posted before but i'm looking for suggestions for free ipad video converters.

I just downloaded the videora ipad converter, opened the dmg, and all of a sudden it turned from ipad video converter, to ipod video converter. I opened the app and there is no option for the ipad, even though the download is called, ipad video converter dmg.

Anyway, anyone else had experience with videora, or any other free converter?


The Only Negative on Handbrake is that it does not encode the audio very loudly and there's no Normalizing option , so even full blast on the Ipad isn't very loud.
Air Video works great for me - lite version is free in the app catalog & can also convert and stream on the fly.
With a Mac it's very very easy to convert.
You just need to use the standard Quicktime X, but got to have the perian plugin for Quicktime installed.
I have already several AVI movies converted to m4v for my iPad. Very very easy.
Here the steps:

- Open AVI movie with Quicktime X
- Select 'Save As' in the menu
- As structure select 'Apple TV'
- Now you save and wait till converting is finished

Thats it!
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