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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 12, 2008
Hi folks,

got my new iPad 32gb.

One thing I've noticed, when I press the "up" volume button, it goes up incrementally. However, when I press down, it mutes the sound completely - ie. it jumps directly to zero. However, if I press it one click at a time, it goes down one notch at a time.

Is that normal? Or should the volume go down gradually even if I'm holding the button down?
If you hold the volume down button for 2 seconds, it will automatically mute the volume completely. Totally normal.
If you hold the volume down button for 2 seconds, it will automatically mute the volume completely. Totally normal.

That doesn't seem right, and it's certainly not mentioned in the user manual.

I just phoned the Apple store and they said it wasn't normal.

Can anyone else confirm this happens on their iPad - ie. That you have to press individually to get the volume to go down?
copydeskcat said:
That doesn't seem right, and it's certainly not mentioned in the user manual.

I just phoned the Apple store and they said it wasn't normal.

Can anyone else confirm this happens on their iPad - ie. That you have to press individually to get the volume to go down?

If I hold the volume down button it goes straight to 0 as well.
your worried over that? it's because at the last second they changed the "mute" switch to a "lock orientation" switch. Thus, holding it down is now the "mute" and just pressing is volume down.
It's completely normal and to make up for there being no mute switch as there is on the iPhone.
your worried over that? it's because at the last second they changed the "mute" switch to a "lock orientation" switch. Thus, holding it down is now the "mute" and just pressing is volume down.

I wasn't 'worried' about it, but if it was a problem, i would want it sorted. My iPhone 4 and my iPod touch don't do this, so it didn't seem normal. However, it seems to be perfectly normal according to the consensus.
Does the exact same thing on both ipads in our house, and has from day one. The person at Apple doesn't know what they're talking about; it's been mentioned in several reviews even.
Does the exact same thing on both ipads in our house, and has from day one. The person at Apple doesn't know what they're talking about; it's been mentioned in several reviews even.

It's the sort of thing they'll change back when iPad gets ios4 - seeing as how there's a lock orientation feature when you swipe to the left on iPhone 4. No reason why the orientation switch can't be put back to use as a mute button and make the volume controls do what they should.
Thanks everyone. I'll get back to enjoying the iPad and reading some comics in top-notch quality.
The iPad has this for quick silencing. Since the switch on the iPad is the rotation lock, it needs another "shortcut" to silence it.
The iPhone has a hardware silencer switch, so it doesn't need this "shortcut".

It's completely normal. All iPads I've touched do this (3 so far),
It's the sort of thing they'll change back when iPad gets ios4 - seeing as how there's a lock orientation feature when you swipe to the left on iPhone 4. No reason why the orientation switch can't be put back to use as a mute button and make the volume controls do what they should.

But the volume controls do exactly what they're mean to do, turn the volume up and down, and allow you to mute quickly.
But the volume controls do exactly what they're mean to do, turn the volume up and down, and allow you to mute quickly.

True. But it's not consistent with how the iPhone and iPod touch works, which is why i was concerned.
Yes it's made that way due to lack of mute switch, and yes it's annoying for those used to iPhone or iPod touch.

Write to
It's the sort of thing they'll change back when iPad gets ios4 - seeing as how there's a lock orientation feature when you swipe to the left on iPhone 4. No reason why the orientation switch can't be put back to use as a mute button and make the volume controls do what they should.

This would annoy me.

Not everyone that has an iPad has an iPhone, and i didn't even know my Touch had a mute switch, i've never used it. I'd go look for it but it is in the car.

But i use the rotation lock multiple times a day on my iPad and am quite used to it being a switch!
Take a look at page 9 of the iPad User Guide. It says:

Mute the sound Press the Volume Down button until the sound is completely off

Personally I find this a really useful substitute for the mute button.
I wish they kept it the same as the iphone, toggle to mute. I find myself muting it constantly when all I wanted to do was lower the volume, and with the toggle function at least I could tell if it was muted just from looking at the switch.
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