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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 17, 2021

I am the owner of a much-beloved Macbook Pro (2015, 13-inch) which I bought second-hand about five years ago. I absolutely love this laptop and have used it non non stop since I bought it ..... so of course now it's reaching the end of its life and regularly begins to overheat on software such as Zoom / Teams etc. Had the battery/fans fully changed in October by a fantastic team but was advised it would only have a year or so of juice left so have been scouting a replacement, although $$$ is a bit tight atm and I'm really attached to this one so have been putting it off.

However, I was recently super lucky to be able to purchase an iPad 6th gen (2018, 32gb I think) by my workplace at a big discount due to a scheme they run. I'm wondering if I might be able to instead purchase a Magic Keyboard / similar and use the iPad as a substitute for replacing the Mac?

Majority of my laptop use is now based around Word, Excel, video calls, research/reading online, ebooks + some music / video streaming (doing PhD and teaching). All docs are stored in cloud storage which I pay for monthly. Originally bought the Pro as was using Logic and Sibelius a lot and needed something that could process this but no longer!

Any advice????? I am totally clueless and very grateful for any pointers at all!!

Thanks so much for reading and for any replies :)

Have a great day!!

Only you can really answer this question. You have the iPad, use it. Do you find it adequately meets your needs? Are you comfortable with the different interface/workflow? Are there any annoyances that you can work around, live without, or are flat out deal breakers?

Others here may tell you that they made a similar transition, and it may have worked for them. You, however, won’t know if it works for you until you experience it first hand.

You do not need to fully commit to a magic keyboard for your testing. Buy a cheap Bluetooth keyboard first and then get the magic keyboard once you are sure of your decision.
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Interesting that you were using Logic and Sibelius (very pro music apps) but now you’re only doing “some music.”
I feel there’s a story there. But if you’re satisfied with the Garage Band app that came on the iPad you may find it adequate for your needs. As previously stated yours is a very subjective question that ultimately only you will be able to answer. Put the MBP in a closet and use the iPad exclusively for a couple of months. Then come back and tell us what you decided.
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