People please, a little perspective here! The thing will be in stores and in your hot little hands (if you get one at a store) in 7 days. 7 (SEVEN) days! How is that anything but "immenent"? (BTW it's spelled imminent) It isn't coming any time soon? Seriously?
Have we really become this short of attention...this conditioned for immediate gratification? It's a friggin' toy. It isn't going to extend your life or solve world problems.
Folks, if you find yourself pining for a 3G iPad and feel you simply can not wait any longer, go outside...ponder the sun. It's 4.5 billion years old. It has 5 billion years of energy left. Ponder the moon if it's night time. The moon is also 4.5 billion years old. The amount of time left before the iPad 3G arrives is microscopic on the scheme of things. Subatomic even.