I have been using iPads to import and view photos from our game (trail) cameras for nearly two years. When we pull the cards from our cameras, we record the number of photos that the camera says are on the card and that number matches what Windows says when I view the card in Windows.
I'd noticed that the number of photos shown in "Last Import" was always fewer than the number I'd recorded as being on the card, but I wrote it off to an occasional glitchy photo file until earlier this week. I realized that the number of photos the iPad imported was about 1% less than the number of photos on the card.
Today, I decided to do a little testing to see if I could identify if there was a pattern to the missing photos. I created a list of file names from the SD card in Windows and a list of file names from the photos on the iPad then looked at only the numbers that were missing from the iPad. (Game cameras tend to write file names that are 8 characters, with the last four being sequential numbers.) (I'm a statistical programmer and I've worked with photo file data before so this was easy peasy for me to whip up.)
On a card with 1044 photos, the iPad imported 1034 of them. The missing photos were numbered:
On a card with 820 photos, the iPad imported 812 of them. The missing photos were 0101 through 0808 of the list above.
I have not tried this with photos from regular digital cameras so I don't know if the problem exists with those, but it's something to keep an eye on. I've reported it to Apple, although I had to tag it onto a case I already have going because online tech support didn't seem to be available.
I'd noticed that the number of photos shown in "Last Import" was always fewer than the number I'd recorded as being on the card, but I wrote it off to an occasional glitchy photo file until earlier this week. I realized that the number of photos the iPad imported was about 1% less than the number of photos on the card.
Today, I decided to do a little testing to see if I could identify if there was a pattern to the missing photos. I created a list of file names from the SD card in Windows and a list of file names from the photos on the iPad then looked at only the numbers that were missing from the iPad. (Game cameras tend to write file names that are 8 characters, with the last four being sequential numbers.) (I'm a statistical programmer and I've worked with photo file data before so this was easy peasy for me to whip up.)
On a card with 1044 photos, the iPad imported 1034 of them. The missing photos were numbered:
On a card with 820 photos, the iPad imported 812 of them. The missing photos were 0101 through 0808 of the list above.
I have not tried this with photos from regular digital cameras so I don't know if the problem exists with those, but it's something to keep an eye on. I've reported it to Apple, although I had to tag it onto a case I already have going because online tech support didn't seem to be available.