It was jailbroken with spirit for a couple days but I restored as new from DFU. Weird huh...
Cause I was gonna say, if it's Jailbroken, you would need to DFU it in order for Apple to cover any concerns about it.
I used the .. work'd like a charm. I did use the Spirit before... either or was fine. I just like the Jailbreakme cause I didnt hafta use a computer..
Try those few steps I mentioned - I had to do this the other week.
For some strange reason, as soon as I unplugged my Composite AV cable from the iPad, it froze. Wouldn't reboot back to the OS. Very strange, so I just followed those Steps, and re-started. It took me a few tries to make sure I had the right sequence of events in order.

basically, read the instructions carefully to a T
*btw, they said "Apple, AppleStore, Others..."* That the Composite AV Cable for the iPhone and iPod Touch wouldn't work for the iPad. Pppft, lol it works.. and works great.
(Mind you, TVOut2 from Cydia made it EVEN better! By Default, Only Youtube, Pictures,Videos would TV Out. But now.. everything, even the spring board! looks great) It's my portable media station!