Hi guys,
I'm in the process of starting a thesis which will require a lot of typing! I currently have a 24" iMac for any large screen usages.
I'm trying to decide whether a 13" MBP or an iPad will suit my needs. I will need to be able to download/view/annotate pdf's and switch between pdf's and word processing app (I presume pages). I will then upload any work I do onto my iMac/mobile me idisk. I've heard the new iOS for iPad may have improved folder support/pdf support.
For those of you who use your iPad for this, how is it? Do you wish you had the function of a laptop? I'm choosing between these two products because of portability but wonder whether the iPad will be possible to do this.
Thanks for any advice
I'm in the process of starting a thesis which will require a lot of typing! I currently have a 24" iMac for any large screen usages.
I'm trying to decide whether a 13" MBP or an iPad will suit my needs. I will need to be able to download/view/annotate pdf's and switch between pdf's and word processing app (I presume pages). I will then upload any work I do onto my iMac/mobile me idisk. I've heard the new iOS for iPad may have improved folder support/pdf support.
For those of you who use your iPad for this, how is it? Do you wish you had the function of a laptop? I'm choosing between these two products because of portability but wonder whether the iPad will be possible to do this.
Thanks for any advice