Reasonable issue? Staring at a computer screen for extended periods just surfing the web is one thing, but actually trying to read a book for any extended period of time on a backlit lcd screen?
Why would reading a book cause any more eye strain than surfing the web?![]()
Because you read a webpage differently than you read a book.
Yes, this happens to be one of the main arguments against eReaders in general.
Not if you're talking about e-ink.
B e c a u s e _ y o u _ r e a d _ a _ w e b p a g e _ d i f f e r e n t l y _ t h a n _ y o u _ r e a d _ a _ b o o k.
To make a more serious point, reading on an ebook reader is a bit different from reading a web page because ebook reader screens tend to be shaped like a book. That means that there tends to be less than ten words per line, so our eyes have a much easier job scanning the page, hunting for the beginning of the next line and so on. Compare that with reading a web page on a computer, where even on a fairly narrow browser window you can end up with over twenty words per line, which is far more difficult to read continuously.
Personally, I find reading on my iMac is easier than on the page. I do find it strange that the thread title implies that the OP is referencing long-term actual experience rather than speculating with no experience at all.
Reasonable issue? Staring at a computer screen for extended periods just surfing the web is one thing, but actually trying to read a book for any extended period of time on a backlit lcd screen?
This is one of the things that kind of gets to me all the time--all these people spending hours on the web reading this and that, reading these forums, etc., then commenting on how the eyestrain of reading a book will be too much on the backlit screen of the iPad.
Why is that reading the forums for 20 minutes, 1 hour or two hours on a backlit screen is fine, but read a book for an hour and your eyes will explode?
Yes, we get eye strain from reading on our computer screen; it varies from person to person from computer to computer. Millions of people read pdf files, forum messages, personal email, books, and all sorts of things for hours at a time for 6, 8, 10 , 12 hours per day on their computers. How many of them have significant eye strain problems? Some. I think I can feel it, but I don't know if it's is eye strain or just flat out body strain from it being late in the day. At the end of the day I quite often sit back and read a book on my iPod Touch for the last half hour to an hour of the day. Lots of people are reading books on the Touch or iPhone and surviving quite well.
A Kindle with its eink screen is great, it is probably less strain on the eyes. That's nice, but millions of people already read books and millions and millions of pages of the written word on their computers every day, the iPad is just going to be another backlit screen used by millions. I plan on enjoying it very much.
There are many reports and studies on eyestrain caused by using computers and most state that eyestrain is not a medical problem (causes no lasting effects) and the biggest cause is probably more the sitting and staring for hours at a time, more than effects from the screen, screen contrast, screen brightness, etc. Get your iPad and enjoy it, or don't get one and enjoy whatever you use (but probably less so (my opinion)).
The iPads got a backlit LCD screen. Nothing special, something I've been looking at for years, something I've got experience with, something I wouldn't want to read walls of text with.
And yes, the kindles e-ink is not the same as paper, but it's a hell of a lot better than trying to read huge blocks of text on a computer monitor. It's like asking a professor to read a bunch of essays you emailed on the computer. They will tell you to print it out and have it on their desk. COULD they read it? Sure, but why put yourself through that when the far better solution is to read it on paper, or if not that, a dedicated e-reader.
I read things off of LCD's sure, but some of you make it seem like they are perfect or something.