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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 4, 2009

I bought my iPhone a while back (week 44 serial number). It was version 1.1.1 out of the box. I unlocked using a company called Aussie iPhone Unlock and then upgraded to 1.1.2 using the instructions here:
Since then this company stopped operations so far as I can tell.

I would like to know if it is safe to upgrade it to more recent versions, and either case, if an update is necessary to install newer iPhone applications.

google quick pwn. assuming that you have a 1st gen iphone you will be able to update to the newest firmware (2.2.1) and unlock/jailbreak.
google quick pwn. assuming that you have a 1st gen iphone you will be able to update to the newest firmware (2.2.1) and unlock/jailbreak.

this is very useful. thanks so much. from your response, I also gather that I cannot directly upgrade. that is, my phone is already unlocked and jailbroken, so I need to restore it, and then after the update go unlock and jailbreak again?
posts: 1
possibility of spam: highly likely

hmmm. thanks for the warm welcome.

now that I am posting the third time, I hope it makes you happy that the likelihood of me being a spammer just went down.

edit: I now understand why you are concerned--I mention a company name in my very first post. if you notice, it is a defunct company. the sole reason I am mentioning them is to point out that they are defunct so I cannot get help from them, that's why I am asking it here. nevertheless, I still find your post rude.
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