I've been carefully pouring over every single image, video, and review that's come out, and something has struck me as especially odd. The ultrawide on the iPhone 11 (and Pro) doesn't just not support night mode, unlike comparable flagships - it looks absolutely terrible in even moderate lighting conditions.
Main: https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/A5IpxpLYT9...9402/d264aef6-95a6-4647-bfbe-a12f023ce451.JPG
Ultrawide: https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/4VuZwOjDWO...9405/7e22ba0b-4f1d-4d93-9e0d-003ce97a8416.JPG
Main: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EEq-w6eXYAANvge?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
Ultrawide: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EEq-w6dXsAEeR4p?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
Ultrawide: https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/snjBZ3vC9Q...9477/a68e3d49-f898-4c7d-92f4-5429a007bd63.JPG
All of the ultrawide shots have noticeably awful noise:
What in the world happened here? How did this phone's landmark feature ship like this? I'm an Apple guy through and through, but the Galaxy S10's ultrawide from going on a year ago not only supports a great night mode, but also looks much better without any help. I really hope this is fixable via update...
Main: https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/A5IpxpLYT9...9402/d264aef6-95a6-4647-bfbe-a12f023ce451.JPG
Ultrawide: https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/4VuZwOjDWO...9405/7e22ba0b-4f1d-4d93-9e0d-003ce97a8416.JPG
Main: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EEq-w6eXYAANvge?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
Ultrawide: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EEq-w6dXsAEeR4p?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
Ultrawide: https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/snjBZ3vC9Q...9477/a68e3d49-f898-4c7d-92f4-5429a007bd63.JPG
All of the ultrawide shots have noticeably awful noise:
What in the world happened here? How did this phone's landmark feature ship like this? I'm an Apple guy through and through, but the Galaxy S10's ultrawide from going on a year ago not only supports a great night mode, but also looks much better without any help. I really hope this is fixable via update...