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Bobo Pinky

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 27, 2021
So.... I have an iPhone 11 Pro Max (my wife has a 12, I'll come back to this in a moment). After my wife LOVING using her AirPods Pro on her phone (iPhone 12) I decided I wanted a pair. So.... hello Amazon!

Pods arrive, I pair (and wait for firmware update to pods, FYI I am at iOS 14.4.2, and as of this AM at 14.5) and listen to some music. All sounds good. Then I get on a phone call. Every 20 - 90 seconds there is this POP, or CLICK sound. I hang up the call, call back, and the same. Then I (do as Apple wants us to do) un-pair, reboot, fully charge, etc. and try again. Same thing. Noise canceling on, off, still the same. Sooo.... Send back to Amazon, get replacement.

Replacement - do ALL the same. Same POP or CLICK.

Sooo... un-pair and pair to my wife's iPhone 12. Test. PERFECT, no POP, no CLICK. Then... I pair her AirPods Pros (a few months old pair) to my iPhone 11 and.... POP, CLICK. "Hello Amazon... I have a return - AGIAN"

Sooo... Not thinking anything would come of it, today I upped to 14.5, and did the Apple Watch (yes be both have those) update. Un-paired my wife's pods from her 12 and paired to my 11. Same old POP or CLICK.

So... can anyone confirm the are having the same issues with an iPhone 11 and AirPods Pro?

Bobo Pinky

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 27, 2021
Hey guess what? Replacing my 10 month old 11Pro Max with a 12Pro Max solved this problem and the Bluetooth issues the 11 was having connecting to my car!

WITHOUT a doubt the 11 has Bluetooth hardware issues.

Seems that is the fix for a lot of Apple problems, just toss money at them.


macrumors newbie
Jul 11, 2021
I can confirm that I tried everything with no fix with my iphone 11 pro. Once i bought an iphone 12 mini, zero issues with the airpods pro. Iphone 11 pro is the issue sadly. Do not buy airpods pro if you have iphone 11 pro or pro max. Nothing will work. Airpods worked no problem with android phones and other devices.
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