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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 11, 2020
I know there has been much discussion this year--and other years about the "yellow" color temperature of the iPhone 12 screens. I will start off by saying, yes the screen is much warmer as a whole, but I seem to have another issue. The warm temperature wouldn't be bothersome if it was even. But on my 12 it appears warmer at the top of the screen and cooler (whiter) at the bottom.

This is especially apparent in white backgrounds, such as Reddit or in Settings. The background behind the text will be relatively warm until somewhere just past halfway down the screen it begins fading into a much cooler white.

Just wanted to see if this was a fairly common "feature" of the screens on these phones or if it is actually worth a return. I really don't want to play the display lottery if this is common.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2009
I know there has been much discussion this year--and other years about the "yellow" color temperature of the iPhone 12 screens. I will start off by saying, yes the screen is much warmer as a whole, but I seem to have another issue. The warm temperature wouldn't be bothersome if it was even. But on my 12 it appears warmer at the top of the screen and cooler (whiter) at the bottom.

This is especially apparent in white backgrounds, such as Reddit or in Settings. The background behind the text will be relatively warm until somewhere just past halfway down the screen it begins fading into a much cooler white.

Just wanted to see if this was a fairly common "feature" of the screens on these phones or if it is actually worth a return. I really don't want to play the display lottery if this is common.
If it was me I’d return it. I’ve had that in the past, it’s just a bad panel. My 12 Pro is completely uniform.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 11, 2020
If it was me I’d return it. I’ve had that in the past, it’s just a bad panel. My 12 Pro is completely uniform.
Glad to hear you got a uniform panel. Just wanted to verify my suspicion before letting screen OCD get the best of me if it was a common issue.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 11, 2020
Here we go again; screen gate.
That's specifically why I said the warmer screen as a whole (or screen gate as you put it) was not so much my concern. I can deal with a warmer display as a whole--once eyes adjust they look fine. It was specifically the change from warmer to cooler from top to bottom of the panel, while looking at it straight on.

I do believe some variance is inevitable in any panel--I just wanted to know if this was common and acceptable variation or not.


macrumors 68020
Jun 23, 2007
Why is it a “gate”? Panel variance is a thing, there are displays that are totally uneven and should be returned. Why should OP keep a phone that has a different hue on half of the screen?
Return the phone, get your money a new phone...different brand.
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macrumors 68020
Jun 23, 2007
That's specifically why I said the warmer screen as a whole (or screen gate as you put it) was not so much my concern. I can deal with a warmer display as a whole--once eyes adjust they look fine. It was specifically the change from warmer to cooler from top to bottom of the panel, while looking at it straight on.

I do believe some variance is inevitable in any panel--I just wanted to know if this was common and acceptable variation or not.
I guess you didn’t pick up on me be sarcastic.

simple solution if you have screen issues. Return it. Buy a new phone...a different brand.
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Chief Oddball

macrumors regular
Jun 22, 2009
I had the issue you’re describing on a Pixel 3a. If you notice it and it bothers you, I’d return/exchange it.


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
I know there has been much discussion this year--and other years about the "yellow" color temperature of the iPhone 12 screens. I will start off by saying, yes the screen is much warmer as a whole, but I seem to have another issue. The warm temperature wouldn't be bothersome if it was even. But on my 12 it appears warmer at the top of the screen and cooler (whiter) at the bottom.

This is especially apparent in white backgrounds, such as Reddit or in Settings. The background behind the text will be relatively warm until somewhere just past halfway down the screen it begins fading into a much cooler white.

Just wanted to see if this was a fairly common "feature" of the screens on these phones or if it is actually worth a return. I really don't want to play the display lottery if this is common.
I would definitely return and try again. What you described is not uncommon. If I am not mistaken, there are two different manufacturers of the displays.


macrumors newbie
Aug 21, 2010
I had the same issue with my 12P but left half was yellow.

Bought a new one to check if I was seeing things which I’m much happier with.

Returned the faulty one without any issues. She person asked if anything was wrong with it and if I wanted a replacement. Funnily she asked if the top half was yellow so kinda thought she’d seen a similar issue before.


macrumors regular
Apr 9, 2010
I bought a 12 when it was released. Same deal. Warm at top, cool at bottom. Returned it and bought a 12 Mini with a perfectly uniform, albeit warmer than my X panel. That one was a keeper. Then I purchased 12 Pro as my work phone and got another uneven mess...warm at the top cool at the bottom. Exchanged it yesterday for a different 12 Pro. The new one is very uniform. Both Graphite 256GB versions. If it bothers you, which it does me, I would definitely exchange for another shot at a decent screen. It is crazy how much variance there is in the screens this year. My X is perfect and I still think it is a higher quality screen than any of the FOUR 12 variants I have owned this year so far.
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Apr 11, 2018
I know there has been much discussion this year--and other years about the "yellow" color temperature of the iPhone 12 screens. I will start off by saying, yes the screen is much warmer as a whole, but I seem to have another issue. The warm temperature wouldn't be bothersome if it was even. But on my 12 it appears warmer at the top of the screen and cooler (whiter) at the bottom.

This is especially apparent in white backgrounds, such as Reddit or in Settings. The background behind the text will be relatively warm until somewhere just past halfway down the screen it begins fading into a much cooler white.

Just wanted to see if this was a fairly common "feature" of the screens on these phones or if it is actually worth a return. I really don't want to play the display lottery if this is common.
Does yours looks this bad as mine in these photos?
Also others who have been dealing with uneven color temperature units, please comment my photos if that looks acceptable or not?

I would have already exchanged mine but there is practically 1 month wait for new unit if I order it now and problem is that I would need to return mine by Jan 8th and I can't be without phone for 1-2 weeks...
I guess I should have ordered 5 phones in the first order so that I would have probably found good one. :(
And I don't know if they are all more or less like that still. I actually ordered 2 phones (another went for family member) and even that is somewhat uneven but much less noticeable than mine but definitely not as good as X screen.
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macrumors 601
Nov 23, 2014
Not discounting bad screens (they happen) but try looking at screen upside down and see if the colors change.

I thought the same thing about dark green top and white bottom (or dark top light bottom), and then looked at screen upside down and saw the same thing.

I think it may be an optical illusion. I also noticed this in my Apple Watch 6. Thought I had faulty unit, then looked at it upside down and noticed it was same color distribution.

it could be light entering glass. It could be color shift from angles.

just a thought to try and see what you see as well
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macrumors newbie
Nov 18, 2020
Does yours looks this bad as mine in these photos?
Also others who have been dealing with uneven color temperature units, please comment my photos if that looks acceptable or not?

I would have already exchanged mine but there is practically 1 month wait for new unit if I order it now and problem is that I would need to return mine by Jan 8th and I can't be without phone for 1-2 weeks...
I guess I should have ordered 5 phones in the first order so that I would have probably found good one. :(
And I don't know if they are all more or less like that still. I actually ordered 2 phones (another went for family member) and even that is somewhat uneven but much less noticeable than mine but definitely not as good as X screen.
Mine looks exacly the same


macrumors newbie
Nov 18, 2020

Top rosy-white, bottom geenish-white. I hope next one Will be better...


macrumors 68020
Oct 10, 2014
The LCD screens used to have this. I’ve had phones in the past with this issue but LCDs were typically quite bad for it.

ive not seen it on an oled panel before though


Apr 11, 2018
Top rosy-white, bottom geenish-white. I hope next one Will be better...
Not sure if photos make this look different but overall seems very reddish in your photos and noticeable darker green on the bottom. Similar to mine but maybe mine does not look quite that bad IRL (it is not that red). Not sure if all are like this in some extent and our other 12 Pro has slightly that (but much less noticeable).

Was TT and NS on in that photo? Mine is warm with those but very cool blue when both turned off.

BTW, is your serial also starting with F1 (like our both)? Do you see any drop in battery health yet with Coconutbattery or similar that can read actual data in detail? Mine dropped from 2900mAh to 2840mAh in couple of days, while other one steadily 2900mAh.

The LCD screens used to have this. I’ve had phones in the past with this issue but LCDs were typically quite bad for it.

ive not seen it on an oled panel before though
My first X had that too but exchanged it to another and it was fine.


Apr 11, 2018
Im sure that not every single one has that issue. My serial number starts with FF
Of course not that bad but when specifically looking for difference between upper and lower half of the screen. Like I said other 12 Pro we have here while is much better than mine, does show some if this when actually looking for it but it is like so little most consider it normal.

How is yours battery health doing after some use? Does it stay where it started or dropped already?


macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2015
Every Apple product i have purchased has had an uneven screen.
Now I don’t look for it and nearly 2 months in haven’t noticed it on my 12 pro max


Apr 11, 2018
Every Apple product i have purchased has had an uneven screen.
Now I don’t look for it and nearly 2 months in haven’t noticed it on my 12 pro max
Would you notice it in yours in places like setting menu or blank notes pages on full screen and then just quickly eyeing upper and lower half?
I mean sure quickly using mine and with something else than full white or light gray full screen image or web page it would go unnoticed without actually looking for it.


macrumors member
Nov 17, 2020
My screen is not uniform either. I have a strong green tint on my screen (visible in all apps and settings etc) and you can see in the photo the middle of the screen is greenish and the sides are magenta, it’s my second replacement with this problem. It’s useless for editing photos like this. This one is going back as well, I’m not sure if I’m asking for a refund now :(

(it’s a 12 mini by the way and True Tone, night shift etc are disabled/off)


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