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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 26, 2023
Is there any way to get the silent icon displayed on always on locked screen. If so, can someone please share how to enable it. The scenario is simple, user in a meeting want to make sure iPhone is on silent mode. Before action button, looking at red color on side gave the comfort that phone is not going to buzz in the meeting. But now no red toggle line on side of iPhone, force the user see the silent status by touching the screen. I think best option is having a red (or while) silent icon display next to lock icon in status bar while phone is at always on display and locked.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2023
I need this too! Looking for an answer. The little switch was so easy to just look at or feel it and know it was silent. Need some icon permanently on. Or a widget or something that shows on the always on screen.
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