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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 6, 2008
Riverside California
ok im sure its been asked before but im getting an iphone 1st gen from a family member who got a 3g. im on tmobile so i want to unlock it . whats the best to use? also, once i unlock it, if i want to put music on it from my mac, will it brick? :apple:
ok im sure its been asked before but im getting an iphone 1st gen from a family member who got a 3g. im on tmobile so i want to unlock it . whats the best to use? also, once i unlock it, if i want to put music on it from my mac, will it brick? :apple:

I unlocked my 1st gen iPhone twice with ZiPhone, though it's said to be less stable than Pwnage tool, for example.
Do not use ziphone it does not have 2.0.1 firmware. go to and

After jailbreaking everything should work. do not forget t-zones hack in cydia and total internet. No problem with photo's though itunes.

follow the instuctions closely, may take a couple try's to pwnage with winpwn the biggest thing is getting iphone in DFU and getting the right firmware should be 2.0.1__5B108.
i have a mac, when i use pwnage will it jailbreak and unlock it in one shot?!

I unlocked my iPhone a few days ago. (I am also on a Mac and used Pwnage.) All you have to do is to get the original firmware 2.0.1 and boot neuter 3.9 and 4.6 and you're good to go. Safe all three files on your desktop.
Connect your iPhone to your Mac. Then start Pwnage and choose simple mode. The program will find the firmware by itself. You only have to tell it where to find the two boot neuter files. After that Pwnage will build a custom firmware bundle with Cyndia and Installer included. As a last step, Pwnage will guide you how to put your iPhone into DFU mode.
Once your iPhone is in DFU mode switch to iTunes. Hold down the option key and press "restore iphone". Then select the custom firmware (It'll be on your desktop.) and let iTunes do the rest. After the restore is completed, tell iTunes to set up your iPhone as a new phone and you're good to go. :)
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