Hi, i found a great tutorial which explains step by step the complete process for jailbreaking a 2G iphone, but just need help with 1 item.
A friend of mine has a 2G iPhone running 1.1.2, i am going to upgrade this to 2.2.1 for him, jailbreak and unlock, it is currently running a sim hack and JB. the only issue is, do i do the run the "official" itunes 2.2.1 upgrade/restore first and then do the whole - hold shift to restore 2.2.1 from pwn....., or do i start with the hold shift to upgrade with the 2.2.1 from pawn firmware. The tutorial i am going to follow is located in another forum - http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=1880
thanks in advance for your help
A friend of mine has a 2G iPhone running 1.1.2, i am going to upgrade this to 2.2.1 for him, jailbreak and unlock, it is currently running a sim hack and JB. the only issue is, do i do the run the "official" itunes 2.2.1 upgrade/restore first and then do the whole - hold shift to restore 2.2.1 from pwn....., or do i start with the hold shift to upgrade with the 2.2.1 from pawn firmware. The tutorial i am going to follow is located in another forum - http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=1880
thanks in advance for your help