I looked at the stickies and could not find my answer there. below is what i did:
I have a iphone 2g phone with 2.2.1 firmware already installed on it.
--I used quick pwn for mac (version 2.2.5-2) to unlock and jailbreak the phone. after this process, the phone only jailbroke and did not unlock the phone. even though i inserted my sim card (vodafone) in the phone, it does not read it on my phone.
--I then tried using Pwnage (version 2.2.5-2) and during the stage when it asks to browse for ipsw, i tried to open the file but for some reason it cannot read the ipsw (iphone1,1_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw). Pwnage says "wrong firmware bundle selected.) this is where i get stuck when i use Pwnage to try to unlock the iphone.
any insights on how to tackle this problem?