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Jimbo Slice

macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 4, 2008
Oakville, ON
Hey I MRoogled for info related to this but I guess my search terms were too generic cause I got a lot of hits from unrelated threads.

My situation is this, I was running 1.1.4 unlocked, activated and jailbroken with Ziphone successfully. I decided to finally upgrade my firmware to 2.1 but I made the stupid mistake of updating through iTunes instead of using pwnage tool.
Now I have tried Quickpwn on Mac and I get past the part to get it into DFU mode but then it just stays on the screen forever that says its preparing to update the iPhone.
I also tried Quickpwn on Windows and I can't get past the screen where you choose your firmware. The arrow stays grayed out.

When I switch my iPhone on it just says to connect to iTunes or slide for emergency.
Any help would be very much appreciated, it really sucks to not have a phone now, I wish I could time machine that shiz! :(

EDIT: Fixed the problem, see a few posts down
Are you by chance using one of the new MacBooks or MacBook Pros? Because I'm having the same problem.
Yep, New Macbook,

My other alternative is a PBG4, I'll try it on that instead then.
Who won't Windows work :confused:

I try putting it into restore mode instead and then when I option click and try to restore from the custom firmware, it extracts the software but then gives me error 21 :confused:

This has me really sad, I miss using my wonderful iPhone :(
I was able to just plug my iPhone in and instead of going to DFU mode just alt click restore and point it to the custom firmware. Its something to do with the new build of leopard in the new MB and MBP
Well I fixed it, the mistake I made is that I shouldn't have upgraded to 2.1 through iTunes, so I downgraded to 1.1.4 and then built a new ipsw using Pwnage tool and then DFU'ed and restored using it. Works SWEET :cool:
Glad you found a fix. I still cant use QuickPwn but can use Pwnage. They work fine on my iMac just not the aluminum MacBook.
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