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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 9, 2008
Newengland usa!
hey guys i need some help
i got my iphone back around november of the year when it came out.

service was good i was making calls in my home no problem getting calls no problem using edge in the home no problem nothing to complain about

now my iphone can barely get service in my home i get failed calls in my home ALLL THE TIME sometimes 5 during a 2 mintue conversation
i get failed calls with 1-2-3 bars and some times i cant even dial out or have no service
almost all the time im getting no service at work or less then 3 bars.
the pharmacist at work has a 3g iphone and get full BARS!!! so does my boss who has a blackberry WTFHHHH

dont get me wrong when i go outside the serivce is a bit better or if i drive a few miles away the service is much better
but how does this make any sense that since i got my phone the service has gotten poor?

I GO to atnt and they say i live in a dead zone? so basically he was saying that im paying for a service that doesnt work ,wow great customer service what ever happened to trying to hear the customer out i barely even got to explain my self.
swap my sim card and its no better, he wanted to charge me 25 bucks for that too.
they say oh because there going 3g so wtf? does that have to do with making a phone call and decent service?
yet my sister which is on my plan gets full bars no dropped calls in the house

ive restored the phone MORE then once. im actually gonna try to do it again right now.

what can or will apple do in this case?
i mean i dont expect a new phone but this is just crap.
i just want my phone to work thats all.

is it me or has atnt's service just gone to crap?
I think most of the problem is AT&T. I bought a Samsung A737 from AT&T about a year and a half ago and got 3 to 4 bars at home. Now, I get either 1 bar or no service so I have not been happy with them. :mad:
yet my sister which is on my plan gets full bars no dropped calls in the house
Is your sister using a 2G network or a 3G network?

what can or will apple do in this case?
i mean i dont expect a new phone but this is just crap.
i just want my phone to work thats all.
If you make an appt at the Genius Bar of an Apple store, Apple can look at your iPhone and tell how many calls it's dropped, etc, and figure out if it's a hardware issue with your phone, or if the problem is AT&T's 2G network sucks in your area.

is it me or has atnt's service just gone to crap?
When I got my iPhone 2G two years ago, I got 0-3 bars inside my house and dropped calls inside all the time. I got the iPhone 3G as soon as it came out (hoping the 3G network was better at my house) and still had a problem with dropped calls, but not as often. About 3 months ago, AT&T built a new tower about 1/2 mile from my house, and I get 5 bars solid inside my house. Perfect coverage. They send a text message every time they put up a new tower around my city, and I've gotten around 10 or 15 text messages in the past few months. So for me, AT&T's service has gone from crap to gold.
my sister is using a 50 dollar lg phone.:mad::mad:

my girl gets full bars in my house with her 3gizzzlee :(

my mom and dad both on verizon gets call cleanly and they just have normal cell phones.

its so annoying because its causing problems in my house hold like id get a call and then i cant hear them or they cant hear me and i start getting mad and then when i fainlly call them back after i run outside im yelling at them and there like wtf is wrong with you

i feel like breaking my phone srsly ive been dealing with this since january i cant stand it.:mad:
my sister is using a 50 dollar lg phone.:mad::mad:

my girl gets full bars in my house with her 3gizzzlee :(
On AT&T, the 2G network is separate from the 3G network. 3G may have great coverage in the same spot that 2G sucks, or vice-versa.

So if your sister's $50 LG is on the 3G network and works, and your girls is on the 3G network and works, then it sounds like your house has great 3G coverage but sucky 2G coverage. AT&T is dumping billions into making the 3G network better. I don't think they're spending anything to make 2G better (that's just a guess).

I guess just take your phone to an Apple Store. Make an appt online for the Genius Bar and let them test your phone and see if it's a phone issue or not.
if they are spending so much on 3g maybe they should think of other options such as 4g but i dunno, im not an expert or knowledgable on att's money stuff

anyways. thats mostly likely why, i have been using an edge phone for a long time. and i noticed service has been getting worst. ever since i picked up a 3G phone my bars were perfect and no connection problems. however i had to go back on my blackberry so im on edge again and service is mediocre. :(
I thought it was just me with this problem. My 1st gen iPhone gets about 2 mins tops out of a phonecall and then it cuts out and the person on the other end, who I can hear clear as a bell, is standing there trying to figure out where my voice went. I've got four bars, not moving around, not in a weird part of the house, and it's doing this on every damn call now. The phone will be 2 yrs old on the 2yr anniversary of release day. Awesome. My roommate has the same phone and he's having the same problem now. We live in a big city where service, until now, has been perfect. I can try to call AT&T except I know the call is gonna go dead and I don't have a landline! Very frustrating!
dont get me wrong when i go outside the serivce is a bit better or if i drive a few miles away the service is much better
but how does this make any sense that since i got my phone the service has gotten poor?

is it me or has atnt's service just gone to crap?

Not just you. I'm doing the same thing, getting better service in the car a few miles from home. I had to get in the car and take a ride to call AT&T to report the problem. So when the call lasted 7 mins after a network reset, the guy says it looks like the problem may be fixed, I'm relieved, and then I get home and it's the same crap over again except worse. Now it's sudden death on dialing where I cannot even be heard saying hello.
they said its my phone not my service

thats ******** man seriously its not even 2 years old yet for my phone and what there dropping 2g service or something?

its basically forcing one to upgrade to a 3g iphone backk into another 2 year contract just to get phone service that your paying for?

thats ridiculous

i havent talked to apple yet but what are they gonna do?
nothing 2g phone is discontinued.
sometimes it can be the phone

i have had some phones slowly get weaker signals

i live in a valley so it got weaker every so often, but once im in the city i get full on wherever i go. but in the valley it gets weak. and it has been getting weaker slowly. but i have newer phone now
AT&T has been switching their EDGE and GPRS networks to the weaker 1900MHz band while switching the 3G signal to the stronger 850MHz band where possible.

So, EDGE is getting a weaker wavelength which accounts for the deteriorating service you might experience.
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