hey guys i need some help
i got my iphone back around november of the year when it came out.
service was good i was making calls in my home no problem getting calls no problem using edge in the home no problem nothing to complain about
now my iphone can barely get service in my home i get failed calls in my home ALLL THE TIME sometimes 5 during a 2 mintue conversation
i get failed calls with 1-2-3 bars and some times i cant even dial out or have no service
almost all the time im getting no service at work or less then 3 bars.
the pharmacist at work has a 3g iphone and get full BARS!!! so does my boss who has a blackberry WTFHHHH
dont get me wrong when i go outside the serivce is a bit better or if i drive a few miles away the service is much better
but how does this make any sense that since i got my phone the service has gotten poor?
I GO to atnt and they say i live in a dead zone? so basically he was saying that im paying for a service that doesnt work ,wow great customer service what ever happened to trying to hear the customer out i barely even got to explain my self.
swap my sim card and its no better, he wanted to charge me 25 bucks for that too.
they say oh because there going 3g so wtf? does that have to do with making a phone call and decent service?
yet my sister which is on my plan gets full bars no dropped calls in the house
ive restored the phone MORE then once. im actually gonna try to do it again right now.
what can or will apple do in this case?
i mean i dont expect a new phone but this is just crap.
i just want my phone to work thats all.
is it me or has atnt's service just gone to crap?
i got my iphone back around november of the year when it came out.
service was good i was making calls in my home no problem getting calls no problem using edge in the home no problem nothing to complain about
now my iphone can barely get service in my home i get failed calls in my home ALLL THE TIME sometimes 5 during a 2 mintue conversation
i get failed calls with 1-2-3 bars and some times i cant even dial out or have no service
almost all the time im getting no service at work or less then 3 bars.
the pharmacist at work has a 3g iphone and get full BARS!!! so does my boss who has a blackberry WTFHHHH
dont get me wrong when i go outside the serivce is a bit better or if i drive a few miles away the service is much better
but how does this make any sense that since i got my phone the service has gotten poor?
I GO to atnt and they say i live in a dead zone? so basically he was saying that im paying for a service that doesnt work ,wow great customer service what ever happened to trying to hear the customer out i barely even got to explain my self.
swap my sim card and its no better, he wanted to charge me 25 bucks for that too.
they say oh because there going 3g so wtf? does that have to do with making a phone call and decent service?
yet my sister which is on my plan gets full bars no dropped calls in the house
ive restored the phone MORE then once. im actually gonna try to do it again right now.
what can or will apple do in this case?
i mean i dont expect a new phone but this is just crap.
i just want my phone to work thats all.
is it me or has atnt's service just gone to crap?