My phone was working great, with 2.2 I tried to build a firmware for 2.2.1 using Pnwage, I did it as iClarified says, then I ran with errors 21 - 1006 - 2001 and also some times a message saying that the ipod can not be detected.
I tried the dev team´s suggestion of "Fixing DFU mode on 10.5.6
As noted previously OS X 10.5.6 introduced a bug that affected the use of DFU mode. with some Macs. There have been previously published hacks and techniques to fix this, but here is another method that can be used to temporarily restore DFU functionality in order to use QuickPwn or PwnageTool."
From their web site, but is not working I still get the same errors!!!
What can I do???
Please help!
As said I have an 8GB GSM 2G iPhone and a black 2.2 MacBook running 10.5.6
My phone was working great, with 2.2 I tried to build a firmware for 2.2.1 using Pnwage, I did it as iClarified says, then I ran with errors 21 - 1006 - 2001 and also some times a message saying that the ipod can not be detected.
I tried the dev team´s suggestion of "Fixing DFU mode on 10.5.6
As noted previously OS X 10.5.6 introduced a bug that affected the use of DFU mode. with some Macs. There have been previously published hacks and techniques to fix this, but here is another method that can be used to temporarily restore DFU functionality in order to use QuickPwn or PwnageTool."
From their web site, but is not working I still get the same errors!!!
What can I do???
Please help!
As said I have an 8GB GSM 2G iPhone and a black 2.2 MacBook running 10.5.6