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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 3, 2009
Everyone knows that when the 3.0 beta originaly came out you had to have a Developer account to activate it. But when it came out I decided to test it out on my original iPhone and put 3.0 beta 2 on to it and tryed jailbreaking it. Now since I have an activated 3G i didnt worry about activation but when i ran the jailbreak on it there was an option called "Activate"

Now this may be a dumb question but I didnt highlight that option because i didnt need to worry about activating it but if i had would it had worked and activated my iPhone?

iPhone 3G 16GB Black (2.2.1 Jailbroken)
Original iPhone 8GB (3.0 Beta jailbroken)
iPod Touch 2G 16GB (Jailbroken)
HP 4Gb RAM 2 TB External Hard Drive!!!!!!!!!!
Buying New iPhone on Release Day!!
Not sure if I follow your question exactly, but it sounds like you don't have a developer account. If you don't have one, you can't get the beta to work. The option to activate in jailbreaking is only for non-AT&T users (in the U.S.)...if you are an active AT&T customer and check activate when jailbreaking, it can mess you up and you could have to restore.
Yeah i agree thanks everyone

and sorry about the clarification errors this was my first ever post :)

iPhone 3G 16GB Black (2.2.1 Jailbroken)
Original iPhone 8GB (3.0 Beta jailbroken)
iPod Touch 2G 16GB (Jailbroken)
HP 4Gb RAM 2 TB External Hard Drive!!!!!!!!!!
Buying New iPhone on Release Day!!
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