Ok updated to 3.0, jailbroke it and got my cycorder and winterboard back 
Only two problems noticed,
1)Boss preffs battery percentage does not work if i enable it it disables it soon as i exit the application and resets my home screen dunno whats up with that -maybe cause i restored it with keeping that enabled in the last update i dunno. Funny thing is I started with have that numeric percentage on (not the boss prefss but the iphone 3gs version) somehow and then installed and toggled it off. Haven't been able to toggle it back on though
2)When closing any applications that are not stock (mail, safari, ipod, phone), it does not zoom out to the homescreen. What I mean is when I close the application by hitting home there is a 2 second delay and then the home screen just appears. Don't know if that's normal in 3.0 because it look like the app was force quit. Not sure
Too lazy to restore and jailbreak and reload apps and what not so I am gonna stay with my phone the way it is. I can live with those two problems
PS Dev-Team you people rock
Neways nvm: just deleted boss prefs and got SBSettings, soo much better
Please Delete
Only two problems noticed,
1)Boss preffs battery percentage does not work if i enable it it disables it soon as i exit the application and resets my home screen dunno whats up with that -maybe cause i restored it with keeping that enabled in the last update i dunno. Funny thing is I started with have that numeric percentage on (not the boss prefss but the iphone 3gs version) somehow and then installed and toggled it off. Haven't been able to toggle it back on though
2)When closing any applications that are not stock (mail, safari, ipod, phone), it does not zoom out to the homescreen. What I mean is when I close the application by hitting home there is a 2 second delay and then the home screen just appears. Don't know if that's normal in 3.0 because it look like the app was force quit. Not sure
Too lazy to restore and jailbreak and reload apps and what not so I am gonna stay with my phone the way it is. I can live with those two problems
PS Dev-Team you people rock
Neways nvm: just deleted boss prefs and got SBSettings, soo much better
Please Delete